We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.
No club to join, no leaders to obey!

Thursday, December 10, 2015




by Jonah Cohen and Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe

DECEMBER 5, 2015.

In the coming days, a Sri Lankan woman is to be led to an outdoor pit in Saudi Arabia. Her arms and hands will be tightly bound, her body buried up to her breasts. Saudi men will then surround her and begin to hurl rocks at her head to kill her slowly. A married housemaid, she was convicted of adultery, while the man, a bachelor, also a vulnerable Sri Lankan migrant worker, was given 100 lashes, as prescribed by Islamic law. It is a measure of how violent Saudi Arabia’s capital punishment laws are that beheadings can, at times, seem compassionate. Decapitation, after all, is nothing compared to lapidation. Beheading is quick; stoning, slow. It’s death by torture.


"It doesn’t matter to me, two, four, ten, as long as I’m doing God’s will, it doesn’t matter how many people I execute", Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, Saudi Arabia’s leading public executioner, said about beheadings in a 2003 interview with Arab News.
Proud of Beshi’s 'godly' work, the Saudi kingdom gave him a special gift, a costly executioner’s sword, which he keeps razor sharp.
He said, "People are amazed how fast it can separate the head from the body. There are many people who faint when they witness an execution. I don’t know why they come and watch if they don’t have the stomach for it".
Beshi also coolly described the terror that his prisoners felt before they were beheaded, "When they get to the execution square, their strength drains away".


What makes her punishment even more agonizing is that she all, but surely, did not receive a fair trial. The legal cost to plead her case, 10,000 riyal, or about $2,600 roughly amounts to the average yearly salary of a foreign worker in Saudi Arabia. It’s unlikely, therefore, that she had the money necessary to receive adequate legal guidance during her trial. It’s also doubtful that she fully understood the Arabic language, Islamic law or the gravity of the sexual charges that were brought against her.
It is not uncommon for underprivileged women from Asia and Africa to be victimised in Saudi Arabia’s religious legal system. U.S. State Department reports on human trafficking show that migrant women in Saudi Arabia find themselves held captive by their employers because of the kingdom’s requirement that foreign workers must receive permission from their employers to obtain an exit visa to leave the country.

reports of rape, sexual blackmail and bogus charges of adultery are not rare among foreign female workers trapped in Saudi Arabia.

Knowing all this, the Sri Lankan government is making 'some' efforts to get the housemaid’s sentence lifted or reduced. Legal help has been procured and an appeal has been filed before the Riyadh Court. But the hour is late.

The exact date of her scheduled execution is unclear and it is difficult to get clear information from the Saudi courts.

Sri Lanka does not appear to have made interventions at the highest diplomatic levels.

It cannot afford
to fall out of favour
with the Saudi kingdom,
one of the Middle Eastern countries on which Sri Lanka is dependent
for $2.5 billion in remittances from Sri Lankan domestic workers.

In the past, Sri Lanka, a small, predominantly Buddhist island, has had little influence on the legal decisions of the wealthy Muslim kingdom which treats many Sri Lankan workers like prisoners of war.

IN 2013,

Today, nearly 250 Sri Lankans, including 125 women, are serving jail time. There are also 150 more Sri Lankans languishing in Saudi police stations or camps awaiting trial for all manner of alleged crimes. Perhaps in the next few days, only world outrage might save the housemaid.


So far, the Obama administration has shown no interest in her case. Nor has any assistance come from the United Nations, where, in a grim twist of irony, Saudi Arabia currently chairs a panel of the the United Nations Human Rights Council. The stoning of this housemaid will stand as a symbol of our world’s moral failing. Given the indifference of the Obama administration, the silence of the United Nations and the cruelty of the Saudi Arabian theocracy, only pressure from the media might help. So far, the world’s response has been shameful and, as a morality tale, we should recognise that our indifference to this woman says as much about ourselves as it does the brutality of the Saudi Arabian legal system.

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In the History Book of the SAUDI FAMILY, pages 98-101, their private family historian declares that the SAUDI DYNASTY considers all the people of Najd blasphemous, so their blood must be shed, their properties confiscated and their females be taken as concubines. No Muslim is authentic in his or her belief unless he or she belongs, (affiliates), to the sect of MOHAMMAD BIN ABDUL WAHAB, whose origins are also Jewish from Turkey.
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There is a historical eight hundred pound gorilla lurking in the background of almost every serious military and diplomatic incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, the Kurds, the Assyrians and some other players in the Middle East and south eastern Europe. It is a factor that is generally only whispered about at diplomatic receptions, news conferences and think tank sessions due to the explosiveness and controversial nature of the subject.

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We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

Maj.Gen.DM.Walking: #1stBadmoon company.
International Freelance Media Correspondent.
Warriors For Schapelle Corby Base Command.
[#WFSCBC] <twitter> @WFSCBC


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By Abdulaziz Saud


In the year 851 A.H. (236-237 A.D.) a group of men from AL MASALEEKH CLAN, which was a branch of ANZA TRIBE, formed a caravan for buying cereals, wheat, corn and other food stuff from Iraq and transporting it back to Najd. The head of that group was a man called Sahmi bin Hathlool. The caravan reached Basra, where the members of the group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew called Mordakhai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During their bargaining with that merchant, the Jew asked them, "Where are you from?" They answered, "From ANZA tribe, a clan of AL MASALEEKH".
Upon hearing that name, the Jew started to hug so affectionately each one of them saying that he, himself, was also from the clan of AL MASALEEKH, but he had come to reside in Basra, (Iraq), in consequence to a family feud between his father and some members of ANZA TRIBE. After he recounted to them his fabricated narrative, he ordered his servants to load all the camels of the clan's members with wheat, dates and tamman, a remarkable deed so generous that it astonished the Masaleekh men and aroused their pride to find such an affectionate cousin in Iraq. (the source of their sustenance) They believed each word he said and because he was a rich merchant of the food commodities which they were badly in need, they liked him. (Although he was a Jew concealed under the garb of an Arab from the AL MASALEEKH clan). When the caravan was ready to depart returning to Najd, that Jewish Merchant asked them to accept his company because he intended to go with them to his original homeland, Najd.
Upon hearing that from him, they wholeheartedly welcomed him with a very cheerful attitude.
In Najd, he started to promulgate a lot of propaganda for himself through his companions, his alleged cousins, a fact, which gathered around him a considerable number of new supporters but, unexpectedly, he confronted a campaign of opposition to his views led by Sheikh Saleh Salman Abdulla al Tammimi, who was a Muslim religious preacher in AL-QASEEM.
The radius of his preaching area included Najd, Yemen, and Hijaz, a fact which compelled the Jew, the Ancestor of the present day Saudi family, to depart from AL QASEEM to AL IHSA, where he changed his name, Mordakhai, to Markhan bin Ibrahim Musa. Then he changed the location of his residence and settled at a place called DIR'IYA near AL-QATEEF, where he started to spread, among the inhabitants, a fabricated story about the shield of the prophet Mohammad. That it was taken as a booty by an Arab Pagan in consequence of OHOD BATTLE between the Arab pagans and the Muslims. "That shield", he said, "was sold by the Arab Pagan to a Jewish Clan called BANU QUNAIQA who preserved it as a treasure".
He gradually enhanced his position among the Bedouins through such stories which indicated how the Jewish clans in Arabia were so influential and deserved high esteem. He gained some personal importance among the Bedouins, and decided to settle permanently there, at DIR'IYA town, near AL QATEEF, which he decided to be his Capital on the Persian Gulf. He aspired to make it his spring board for establishing a Jewish Kingdom in Arabia. In order to fulfil his ambitious scheme, he started to approach the desert Arab Bedouins for support of his position, then gradually, he declared himself as their king. At that juncture, AJAMAN TRIBE together with BANU KHALED TRIBE became fully aware of that cunning Jewish plan after they had verified his true identity and decided to put an end to him. They attacked his town and conquered it, but before arresting him he had escaped by the skin of his teeth. That Jewish Ancestor of the SAUDI FAMILY, (MORDAKHAI), sought shelter in a farm called, at that time, AL-MALIBEED-GHUSAIBA near AL-ARID, which is called at our present time, AL-RIYADH.
The farmer was so hospitable that he immediately gave him sanctuary. But that Jew, (Mordakhai), no longer than a month had he stayed there, when he assassinated the land lord and all members of his family, pretending that all were killed by an invading band of thieves. Then he pretended that he had bought that real estate from them before that catastrophe happened to them. Accordingly, he had the right to reside there as a land lord. He then gave a new name to that place. He renamed it AL-DIRIYA, the same name as that he had lost. That Jewish Ancestor of the SAUDI FAMILY (Mordakhai), was quick to establish a GUEST HOUSE called MADAFFA on the land he usurped from his victims and gathered around him a group of hypocrites who started to spread out false propaganda for him that he was a prominent Arab Sheikh. He plotted against SHEIKH SALEH SALMAN ABDULLA AL TAMIMI, his original enemy, and caused his assassination in the mosque of the town called AL-ZALAFI. After that, he felt satisfied and safe to make AL-DIRIYA his permanent home. There he practised polygamy at a wide scale and, indeed, he begot a lot of children whom he gave pure Arab names.
Ever since his descendants grew up in number and power under the name of a SAUDI CLAN, they have followed his steps in practising underground activities and conspiracies against the Arab Nation. They illegally seized rural sectors and farm lands and assassinated every person who tried to oppose their evil plans. They used all kinds of deceit for reaching their goals. They bought the conscience of their dissidents, they offered their women and money to influential people in that area, particularly to those who started to write the true biography of that Jewish Family. They bribed writers of history in order to purify their ignominious history and make their lineage related to the most prominent Arab Tribes such as RABI'A, ANZA, and ALMASALEEKH.
A conspicuous hypocrite in our era whose name is MOHAMMAD AMIN AL TAMIMI, 'Director-Manager' of the contemporary libraries of the SAUDI KINGDOM, made up a genealogical tree, (family tree) for this JEWISH FAMILY, THE SAUDIS, connecting them to the prophet, MOHAMMAD.
For his false work, he received a reward of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND EYPTIAN POUNDS from the then SAUDI AMBASSADOR TO CAIRO, (Egypt), in the year 1362 AH, (1943 A.D.) The name of that Ambassador is, IBRAHIM AL-FADEL.
As previously mentioned, the Jewish Ancestor of the SAUDI FAMILY, (Mordakhai), practised polygamy by marrying a lot of Arab women and begot many children. His polygamous practice is, at the present time, being carried out 'to-the-letter' by his descendants who cling to his marital heritage. One of Mordakhai's sons called AL-MAQARAN, arabized from the Jewish root MACK-REN, begot a son called Mohammad, then another son called Saud, which is the name of the present day SAUDI DYNASTY.
Descendants of Saud, the present day SAUDI FAMILY started a campaign of assassination of the prominent leaders of the Arab Tribes under the pretence that those leaders were apostates, renegading from the Islamic Religion, and deserting their Koranic doctrines so they deserved the SAUDI condemnation and slaughter!
In the History Book of the SAUDI FAMILY, pages 98-101, their private family historian declares that the SAUDI DYNASTY considers all the people of Najd blasphemous, so their blood must be shed, their properties confiscated and their females be taken as concubines. No Muslim is authentic in his or her belief unless he or she belongs, (affiliates), to the sect of MOHAMMAD BIN ABDUL WAHAB, whose origins are also Jewish from Turkey. His doctrines give authority to the SAUDI FAMILY to destroy the villages with all their male inhabitants including children and to sexually assault their women, stab the bellies of the pregnant and cut off the hands of their children then burn them. They are further authorised by such a brutal doctrine to plunder all the properties of whom they call renegades, those not following their Wahhabi Sect. Their hideous Jewish Family has, in fact, done all these kinds of atrocities in the name of their false religious sect, the Wahhabi, which was actually invented by a Jew so as to sow the seeds of terror in the hearts of people in towns and villages. This Jewish Dynasty has been committing such brutal atrocities ever since 1163 A.H. (1749-1750 A.D.) They have named the whole Arabian Peninsula after their family name, SAUDI ARABIA as if the whole region is their own personal real estate and that all other inhabitants are their mere servants or slaves, toiling day and night for the pleasure of their masters, THE SAUDI FAMILY. They are completely holding the natural wealth of the country as their own property. If any poor person from the common people raises his or her voice complaining against any of the despotic rules of this Jewish Dynasty, they cut off his or her head in the public square.
A princess of theirs, once visited Florida, USA, with her entourage. She rented NINETY SUITES in a Grand Hotel for about One Million Dollars per night. Can anyone of their subjects comment about that extravagant event? If he or she does, his or her fate is quite known...
In the 1960's the SAWT AL ARAB Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the YEMEN Broadcasting Station in SANA'A confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the Saudi Family.
KING FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time, could not deny his family's kindred with the JEWS, when he declared to the WASHINGTON POST on September 17, 1969 stating, "We, the Saudi family, are cousins of the Jews. We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslem Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews, but we must live together with them in peace. Our country' ARABIA, is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang and his descendants spread out all over the world". That was the declaration of KING FAISAL AL-SAUD BIN ABDUL AZIZ.
HAFEZ WAHBI, The Saudi Legal Advisor, mentioned in his book, entitled, THE PENINSULA OF ARABIA that King Abdulaziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, had said, "Our Message, (SAUDI MESSAGE), encountered the opposition of all Arab Tribes. My grandfather, SAUD AWAL, once imprisoned a number of the Sheikhs of MATHEER TRIBE and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the release of the prisoners, SAUD AWAL gave orders to his men to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, then, he wanted to humiliate and derogate the interceders by inviting them to eat from a banquet he prepared from the cooked flesh of his victims, whose cut off heads he placed on the top of the food platters. The interceders became so alarmed and declined to eat the flesh of their relatives and, because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his men to cut off their heads too. That hideous crime was committed by that self imposed king to innocent people whose guilt was their opposition to his most cruel and extremely despotic rules.
HAFEZ WAHBI, states further that King Abdulaziz al-Saud related that bloody true story to the Sheikhs of the MATHEER TRIBE who visited him in order to intercede for their prominent leader at that time, FAISAL AL DARWEESH, who was the king's prisoner. He related that story to them in order to prevent them from interceding for the release of their Sheikh otherwise, they would face the same fate. He killed the Sheikh and used his blood as an ablution liquid just before he stood up for his prayer, after the false sect doctrine of the Wahhabi. The guilt of FAISAL DARWEESH at that time, was that he had criticized King Abdulaziz al-Saud when the king signed the document which the English Authorities prepared in 1922, as a declaration for giving Palestine to the Jews. His signature was obtained in the conference held at AL AQEER in 1922.
That was and, still is, the system of this Regime of the Jewish Family, the SAUDI FAMILY. All its goals are: plundering the wealth of the country, robbing, falsifying, and committing all kinds of atrocity, iniquity, and blasphemy. All are executed in compliance with their 'self-invented' Wahhabi Sect, which legalises chopping off the heads of their opposing subjects.

Research and presentation of Mohammad Sakher,
who was ordered killed by the Saudi Regime
for the following findings.

[1] Are the Saudi Family members belonging to the Tribe of ANZA BEN WA'EL as they allege to be?
[2] Is Islam their actual religion?
[3] Are they of an ARAB ORIGIN at all?

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Ahab the Arab - Ray Stevens

(Full playlist)


We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

Maj.Gen.DM Walking
Maj.Gen.DM.Walking: #1stBadmoon company.
International Freelance Media Correspondent.
Warriors For #Schapelle Corby Base Command.
[#WFSCBC] <twitter> @WFSCBC


. . .

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

THE DONMEH ~ The Middle East's Most Whispered Secret

There is a historical eight hundred pound gorilla lurking in the background of almost every serious military and diplomatic incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, the Kurds, the Assyrians and some other players in the Middle East and south eastern Europe. It is a factor that is generally only whispered about at diplomatic receptions, news conferences and think tank sessions due to the explosiveness and controversial nature of the subject. And it is the secretiveness attached to the subject that has been the reason for so much misunderstanding about the current breakdown in relations between Israel and Turkey, a growing warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia and increasing enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Although known to historians and religious experts, the 'centuries-old' political and economic influence of a group known in Turkish as the Donmeh, is only beginning to cross the lips of Turks, Arabs and Israelis who have been reluctant to discuss the presence in Turkey and elsewhere, of a sect of Turks descended from a group of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th and 17th centuries.
These Jewish refugees from Spain were welcomed to settle in the Ottoman Empire and over the years they converted to a mystical sect of Islam that eventually mixed Jewish Kabbala and Islamic Sufi 'semi-mystical' beliefs into a sect that eventually championed secularism in 'post-Ottoman' Turkey.
It is interesting that Donmeh not only refers to the Jewish 'untrustworthy-converts' to Islam in Turkey, but it is also a derogatory Turkish word for a transvestite or someone who is claiming to be someone they are not.
The Donmeh sect of Judaism was founded in the 17th century by Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi, a Kabbalist who believed he was the Messiah but was forced to convert to Islam by Sultan Mehmet IV, the Ottoman ruler. Many of the rabbi’s followers, known as 'Sabbateans' or 'crypto-Jews', publicly proclaimed their Islamic faith but secretly practised their hybrid form of Judaism, which was unrecognised by mainstream Jewish rabbinical authorities. Because it was against their beliefs to marry outside their sect, the Donmeh created a rather secretive 'sub-societal-clan'.

Many Donmeh, along with traditional Jews, became powerful political and business leaders in Salonica. It was this core group of Donmeh which organised the secret Young Turks, also known as the Committee of Union and Progress, the secularists who deposed Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II in the 1908 revolution, proclaimed the 'post-Ottoman' Republic of Turkey after World War I and who instituted a campaign that stripped Turkey of much of its Islamic identity after the fall of the Ottomans. Abdulhamid II was vilified by the Young Turks as a tyrant but his only real crime appears to have been to refuse to meet Zionist leader Theodore Herzl during a visit to Constantinople in 1901 and reject Zionist and Donmeh offers of money in return for the Zionists to be granted control of Jerusalem.
Like other leaders who have crossed the Zionists, Sultan Adulhamid II appears to have sealed his fate with the Donmeh with this statement to his Ottoman court...

Ottoman sultan Abdulhamid II

"Advise Dr. Herzl not to take any further steps in his project. I cannot give away even a handful of the soil of this land for it is not my own, it belongs to the entire Islamic nation. The Islamic nation fought jihad for the sake of this land and had watered it with their blood. The Jews may keep their money and millions. If the Islamic Khalifate state is one day destroyed then they will be able to take Palestine without a price. But while I am alive, I would rather push a sword into my body than see the land of Palestine cut and given away from the Islamic state".

Rod Stewart - Young Turks

"Young Turks" is a song by Rod Stewart that first appeared in 1981 on his album Tonight I'm Yours. The track showed Stewart with a new synthpop and new wave sound. The term Young Turk, which originates from the same-named secular nationalist reform party of the early 20th century, is slang for a rebellious youth who acts contrary to what is deemed normal by society. The phrase "Young Turks" is never heard in the actual song, the chorus instead centering on the phrase "young hearts be free tonight", leading to the song frequently being misidentified as "Young Hearts" or "Young Hearts Be Free".

After his ouster by Ataturk’s Young Turk Donmeh in 1908, Abdulhamid II was jailed in the Donmeh citadel of Salonica. He died in Constantinople in 1918, three years after Ibn Saud agreed to a Jewish homeland in Palestine and one year after Lord Balfour deeded Palestine away to the Zionists in his letter to Baron Rothschild.

Balfour Declaration
The Balfour Declaration was a November 2, 1917 letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild that made public the British support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration led the League of Nations to entrust the United Kingdom with the Palestine Mandate in 1922.
Scottish statesman Arthur Balfour (1848-1930).
In July 1902, Balfour became Prime Minister, resigning in 1905 but returning in 1916 to serve as Foreign Secretary.
He also represented Britain in the first assembly of the League of Nations. (circa 1910).


One of the Young Turk leaders in Salonica was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. When Greece achieved sovereignty over Salonica in 1913, many Donmeh, unsuccessful at being reclassified Jewish, moved to Constantinople, later renamed Istanbul. Others moved to Izmir, Bursa and Ataturk’s 'newly-proclaimed-capital' and future seat of Ergenekon power, Ankara.
Some texts suggest that the Donmeh numbered no more than 150,000 and were mainly found in the army, government and business. However, other experts suggest that the Donmeh may have represented 1.5 million Turks and were even more powerful than believed by many and extended to every facet of Turkish life. One influential Donmeh, Tevfik Rustu Arak, was a close friend and advisor to Ataturk and served as Turkey’s Foreign Minister from 1925 to 1938.
Ataturk, who was reportedly himself a Donmeh, ordered that Turks abandon their own 'Muslim-Arabic' names. The name of the first Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine, was erased from the largest Turkish city, Constantinople.

(They Might Be Giants)

The city became Istanbul after the Ataturk government in 1923 objected to the traditional name. There have been many questions about Ataturk’s own name, since 'Mustapha-Kemal-Ataturk' was a pseudonym. Some historians have suggested that Ataturk adopted his name because he was a descendant of none other than Rabbi Zevi, the 'self-proclaimed' Messiah of the Donmeh. Ataturk also abolished Turkey’s use of the Arabic script and forced the country to adopt the western alphabet.


Ataturk’s suspected strong Jewish roots, information about which was suppressed for decades by a Turkish government that forbade anything critical of the founder of modern Turkey, began bubbling to the surface, first, mostly outside of Turkey and in publications written by Jewish authors. The 1973 book, THE SECRET JEWS, by Rabbi Joachim Prinz, maintains that Ataturk and his finance minister, Djavid Bey, were both committed Donmeh and that they were in good company because many of the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had, as their real prophet, Sabbatai Zevi, the Messiah of Smyrna. In The Forward of January 28, 1994, Hillel Halkin wrote in The New York Sun that Ataturk recited the Jewish Shema Yisrael, "Hear O Israel", saying that it was "my prayer too". The information is recounted from an autobiography by journalist Itamar Ben-Avi, who claims Ataturk, then a young Turkish army captain, revealed he was Jewish in a Jerusalem hotel bar one rainy night during the winter of 1911. In addition, Ataturk attended the Semsi Effendi grade school in Salonica, run by a Donmeh named Simon Zevi. Halkin wrote in the New York Sun article about an email he received from a Turkish colleague, "I now know and, I haven’t a shred of doubt, that Ataturk’s father’s family was indeed of Jewish stock".
It was Ataturk’s and the Young Turks’ support for Zionism, the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, after World War I and during Nazi rule in Europe, that endeared Turkey to Israel and vice versa. An article in The Forward of May 8, 2007, revealed that Donmeh dominated Turkish leadership, "From the president down, as well as key diplomats and a great part of Turkey’s military, cultural, academic, economic and professional elites, kept Turkey out of a World War II alliance with Germany and deprived Hitler of a Turkish route to the Baku oilfields". In his book, THE DONME, Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries and Secular Turks, Professor Marc David Baer wrote that many advanced to exalted positions in the Sufi religious orders.

Young Turks flyer with the slogan...
"Long live the fatherland, long live the nation, long live liberty"


Israel has always been reluctant to describe the Turkish massacre of the Armenians by the Turks in 1915 as 'genocide'. It has always been believed that the reason for Israel’s reticence was not to upset Israel’s close military and diplomatic ties with Turkey. However, more evidence is being uncovered that the Armenian genocide was largely the work of the Donmeh leadership of the Young Turks.
Historians like Ahmed Refik, who served as an intelligence officer in the Ottoman army, stated that it was the aim of the Young Turks to destroy the Armenians, who were mostly Christian. The Young Turks, under Ataturk’s direction, also expelled Greek Christians from Turkish cities and attempted to commit a 'smaller-scale-genocide' of the Assyrians, who were also mainly Christian.


One Young Turk from Salonica, Mehmet Talat, was the official who carried out the genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians. A Venezuelan mercenary who served in the Ottoman army, Rafael de Nogales Mendez, noted in his annals of the Armenian genocide that Talat was known as the 'renegade-Hebrew-of-Salonica'. Talat was assassinated in Germany in 1921 by an Armenian whose entire family was lost in the genocide ordered by the 'renegade-Hebrew'. It is believed by some historians of the Armenian genocide that the Armenians, known as good businessmen, were targeted by the business savvy Donmeh because they were considered to be commercial competitors.
It is not, therefore, the desire to protect the 'Israeli-Turkish-alliance' that has caused Israel to deliberately avoid any interest in pursuing the reasons behind the Armenian genocide, but Israel’s and the Donmeh’s knowledge that it was the Donmeh leadership of the Young Turks that not only murdered hundreds of thousands of Armenians and Assyrians but who also stamped out Turkey’s traditional Muslim customs and ways. Knowledge that it was Donmeh, in a natural alliance with the Zionists of Europe, who were responsible for the deaths of Armenian and Assyrian Christians, expulsion from Turkey of Greek Orthodox Christians, and the cultural and religious eradication of Turkish Islamic traditions, would issue forth in the region a new reality. Rather than Greek and Turkish Cypriots living on a divided island, Armenians holding a vendetta against the Turks and Greeks and Turks feuding over territory, all the peoples attacked by the Donmeh would realise that they had a common foe that was their actual persecutor.


It is the purging of the Kemalist adherents of Ataturk and his secular Donmeh regime that is behind the investigation of the Ergenekon conspiracy in Turkey. Ergenekon’s description matches up completely with the Donmeh presence in Turkey’s diplomatic, military, judicial, religious, political, academic, business and journalist hierarchy. Ergenekon attempted to stop the reforms instituted by successive 'non-Donmeh' Turkish leaders, including the reintroduction of traditional Turkish Islamic customs and rituals, by planning a series of coups, some successful like that which deposed Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan’s Refah (Welfare) Islamist government in 1996 and some unsuccessful, like OPERATION SLEDGEHAMMER, which was aimed at deposing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2003.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Some 'Islamist-leaning-reformists', including Turkish President Turgut Ozal and Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, died under suspicious circumstances. Deposed democratically elected Prime Minister Adnan Menderes was hanged in 1961, following a military coup.
American politicians and journalists, whose knowledge of the history of countries like Turkey and the preceding Ottoman Empire, is often severely lacking, have painted the friction between Israel’s government and the Turkish government of Prime Minister Erdogan, as based on Turkey’s drift to Islamism and the Arab world. Far from it, Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) seem to have finally seen a way to break free from the domination and cruelty of the Donmeh, whether in the form of Kemalist followers of Ataturk or nationalist schemers and plotters in Ergenekon. But with Turkey’s 'Independence-Day' has come vitriol from the Donmeh and their natural allies in Israel and the Israel Lobby in the United States and Europe. Turkey, as a member of the European Union was fine for Europe as long as the Donmeh remained in charge and permitted Turkey’s wealth to be looted by central bankers like has occurred in Greece.


'Turkish-Gaza-Aid-Vessel', MAVI MARMARA.

When Israel launched its bloody attack on the 'Turkish-Gaza-aid-vessel', the MAVI MARMARA, on May 31, 2010, the reason was not so much the ship’s running of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The brutality of the Israelis in shooting unarmed Turks and one 'Turkish-American', some at point blank range, according to a UN report, indicated that Israel was motivated by something else, vengeance and retaliation for the Turkish government’s crackdown on Ergenekon, the purging of the Turkish military and intelligence senior ranks of Donmeh and reversing the 'anti-Muslim' religious and cultural policies set down by the Donmeh’s favourite son, Ataturk, some ninety years before. In effect, the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara was in retaliation for Turkey’s jailing of several top Turkish military officers, journalists and academics, all accused of being part of the Ergenekon plot to overthrow the AKP government in 2003. Hidden in the Ergenekon coup plot is that the Donmeh and Ergenekon are connected through their history of being Kemalists, ardent secularists, 'pro-Israeli' and 'pro-Zionist'.
With tempers now flaring between Iran on one side and Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States on the other, as the result of a dubious claim by U.S. law enforcement that Iran was planning to carry out the assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the United States on American soil, the long standing close, but secretive relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia is coming to the forefront. The 'Israeli-Saudi' connection had flourished during OPERATION DESERT STORM, when both countries were on the receiving end of Saddam Hussein’s Scud missiles.

<source> Strategic Culture Foundation


We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

Maj.Gen.DM.Walking: #1stBadmoon company.
International Freelance Media Correspondent.
Warriors For Schapelle Corby Base Command.
[#WFSCBC] <twitter> @WFSCBC


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Wednesday, December 2, 2015


George H. Bush (left of clock) with the Skull and Crossbones group at Yale University, New Haven, CT circa 1947.



Sometime in the early 1830's, a Yale student named William H. Russell, the future valedictorian of the class of 1833, travelled to Germany to study for a year. Russell came from an inordinately wealthy family that ran one of America’s most despicable business organizations of the nineteenth century...

Russell would later become a member of the Connecticut state legislature, a general in the Connecticut National Guard, and the founder of the Collegiate and Commercial Institute in New Haven.
While in Germany, Russell befriended the leader of an insidious German secret society that hailed the death’s head as its logo. Russell soon became caught up in this group, itself a sinister outgrowth of the notorious eighteenth century society...
William Huntington Russell

When Russell returned to the United States, he found an atmosphere so 'Anti-Masonic' that even his beloved 'Phi-Beta-Kappa', the honour society, had been unceremoniously stripped of its secrecy. Incensed, Russell rounded up a group of the most promising students in his class including Alphonso Taft, the future secretary of war, attorney general, minister to Austria, ambassador to Russia, and father of future president 'William-Howard-Taft' and out of vengeance constructed the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known. The men called their organization the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH,
or, more informally,
They adopted the numerological symbol 322 because their group was the second chapter of the German organization and founded in 1832. They worshipped the goddess Eulogia, celebrated pirates, and plotted an underground conspiracy to dominate the world.

Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every corner of American society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members into the most powerful political position in the world and the group’s influence is only increasing. The 2004 presidential election might showcase the first time each ticket has been led by a 'Bonesman'.
The secret society is now, as one historian admonishes, 'an-international-mafia', unregulated and all but unknown.
In its quest to create a 'New-World-Order' that restricts individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small cult of wealthy, prominent families, 'Skull-and-Bones' has already succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country.
The windowless tomb of Skull&Bones on the Yale campus.

Skull and Bones cultivates its talent by selecting members from the junior class at Yale University, a school known for its strange, 'Gothic-elitism' and its rigid devotion to the past. The society screens its candidates carefully, favouring Protestants and, now, white Catholics, with special affection for the children of wealthy East Coast Skull and Bones members.
Skull and Bones has been dominated by about two dozen of the country’s most prominent families, BUSH, BUNDY, HARRIMAN, LORD, PHELPS, ROCKEFELLER, TAFT, and WHITNEY among them, who are encouraged by the society to intermarry so that its power is consolidated. In fact, Skull and Bones forces members to confess their entire sexual histories so that the club, as a eugenics overlord, can determine whether a new BONESMAN will be fit to mingle with the bloodlines of the powerful Skull and Bones dynasties. A rebel will not make Skull and Bones, nor will anyone whose background in any way indicates that he will not sacrifice for the greater good of the larger organization.
As soon as initiates are allowed into the TOMB, a dark, windowless crypt in New Haven with a roof that serves as a landing pad for the society’s private helicopter, they are sworn to silence and told they must forever deny that they are members of this organization.
During initiation, which involves ritualistic psychological conditioning, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically beaten. This stage of the ceremony represents their 'death' to the world as they have known it. They then lie naked in coffins, masturbate, and reveal to the society their innermost sexual secrets.
After this cleansing, the 'Bonesmen' give the initiates robes to represent their new identities as individuals with a higher purpose.
The society anoints the initiate with a new name, symbolising his rebirth and rechristening as 'Knight-X', a member of the Order. It is during this initiation that the new members are introduced to the artefacts in the tomb, among them Nazi memorabilia, including a set of Hitler’s 'silverware', (dozens of skulls), and an assortment of decorative tchotchkes, coffins, skeletons, and innards. They are also introduced to THE BONES WHORE, the tomb’s only 'full-time-resident', who helps to ensure that the Bonesmen leave the tomb more mature than when they entered.
Members of Skull and Bones must make some sacrifices to the society and they are threatened with blackmail so that they remain loyal, but they are remunerated with honours and rewards, including a graduation gift of $15,000 and a wedding gift of a tall grandfather clock. Though they must tithe their estates to the society, each member is guaranteed financial security for life. In this way, Bones can ensure that no member will feel the need to sell the secrets of the society in order to make a living and it works.

Other prominent Bonesmen include James L. Buckley (U.S. Senator), William F. Buckley (columnist), John Chafee (U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Navy), John Sherman Cooper (U.S. Senator and member of the Warren Commission), John Daniels (founder of Archer Daniels Midland), Paul Giamatti (actor), Pierre Jay (first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York), John Kerry (U.S. Senator), Winston Lord (Chairman of Council on Foreign Relations), Henry Luce (Time-Life), Archibald MacLeish (poet), David McCullough (historian), William Huntington Russell (Connecticut State Legislator), Amos Alonzo Stagg (famous football coach), Harold Stanley (founder of Morgan Stanley), Potter Stewart (U.S. Supreme Court justice), Alphonso Taft (Secretary of War and father of William Howard Taft), Robert A. Taft (U.S. Senator), Morrison R. Waite (U.S. Supreme Court justice), James Whitmore (actor), William Collins Whitney (U.S. Secretary of the Navy) and many others.

Bonesmen are automatically offered jobs at the many investment banks and law firms dominated by their secret society brothers. They are also given exclusive access to the Skull and Bones island, a lush retreat built for millionaires, with a lavish mansion and a bevy of women at the members' disposal.
The influence of the CABAL begins at Yale, where Skull and Bones has appropriated university funds for its own use, leaving the school virtually impoverished. Skull and Bones’ corporate shell, the 'Russell-Trust-Association', owns nearly all of the university’s real estate, as well as most of the land in Connecticut. Skull and Bones has controlled Yale’s faculty and campus publications so that students cannot speak openly about it.
The campus’s only 'anti-society-publication', The Iconoclast, a student paper published once on October 13, 1873, stated...
Wolf's Head New Hall
Architect: Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue
(designed circa 1924)

The year in the tomb at Yale instils, within members, an unwavering loyalty to Skull and Bones. Members have been known to stab their Skull and Bones pins into their skin to keep them in place during swimming or bathing. The knights, as the student members are called, learn quickly that their allegiance to the society must supersede all else, family, friendships, country, God. They are taught that once they get out into the world, they are expected to reach positions of prominence so that they can further elevate the society’s status and help promote the standing of their fellow Bonesmen. This purpose has driven Bonesmen to ascend to the top levels of so many fields that, as one historian observes... "at any one time THE ORDER can call on members in any area of American society to do what has to be done".
Several Bonesmen have been senators, congressmen, Supreme Court justices, and Cabinet officials.
There is a BONES CELL in the CIA, which uses the society as a recruiting ground because the members are so obviously adept at keeping secrets. Society members dominate financial institutions such as J.P.MORGAN, MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER, and BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN, where at one time more than a third of the partners were Bonesmen. Through these companies, Skull and Bones provided financial backing to ADOLPH HITLER because the society then followed a NAZI and now, follows a NEO-NAZI DOCTRINE. At least a dozen Bonesmen have been linked to the Federal Reserve, including the first chairman of the New York Federal Reserve.
Skull and Bones members control the wealth of the ROCKEFELLER, CARNEGIE, and FORD families.
Two of its members founded the law firm that represents the NEW YORK TIMES. Plans for both TIME and NEWSWEEK magazines were hatched in the Skull and Bones tomb. The society has controlled publishing houses such as Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

In the 1880's, Skull and Bones created the AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, the AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, and the AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION so that the society could ensure that history would be written under its terms and promote its objectives. The society then installed its own members as the presidents of these associations.
Under the society’s direction, Bonesmen developed and dropped the nuclear bomb and choreographed the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Skull and Bones members had ties to Watergate and the Kennedy assassination.
They control the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission so that they can push their own political agenda.
Skull and Bones government officials have used the number 322 as codes for highly classified diplomatic assignments. The society discriminates against minorities and fought for slavery. Indeed, eight out of twelve of Yale’s residential colleges are named for slave owners while none are named for abolitionists. The society encourages misogyny, it did not admit women until the 1990's because members did not believe women were capable of handling the Skull and Bones experience and because they said they feared incidents of date rape. This society also encourages grave robbing. Deep within the bowels of the tomb are the stolen skulls of the Apache chief GERONIMO, PANCHO VILLA, and former president MARTIN VAN BUREN.
Finally, the society has taken measures to ensure that the secrets of Skull and Bones slip ungraspable, like sand through open fingers. Journalist Ron Rosenbaum, who wrote a long but not probing article about the society in the 1970's, claimed that a source warned him not to get too close. "What bank do you have your checking account at?" this party asked me, in the middle of a discussion of the Mithraic aspects of the Bones ritual. I named the bank. "Aha", said the party, There are three Bonesmen on the board. You’ll never have a line of credit again. They’ll tap your phone. They’ll. . ."
. . .The source continued, "The alumni still care. Don’t laugh. They don’t like people tampering and prying. The power of Bones is incredible. They’ve got their hands on every lever of power in the country. You’ll see, it’s like trying to look into the Mafia".
In the 1980's, a man known only as Steve had contracts to write two books on the society, using documents and photographs he had acquired from the Bones crypt. But Skull and Bones found out about Steve. Society members broke into his apartment, stole the documents, harassed the would be author and scared him into hiding, where he has remained ever since. The books were never completed.
In Universal Pictures' thriller, THE SKULLS (2000), an aspiring journalist is writing a profile of the society for the New York Times. When he sneaks into the tomb, the Skulls murder him. The real Skull and Bones tomb displays a bloody knife in a glass case. It is said that when a Bonesman stole documents and threatened to publish society secrets if the members did not pay him a determined amount of money, they used that knife to kill him. This, then, is the legend of Skull and Bones.
It is astonishing that so many people continue to believe, even in 'twenty-first-century' America, that a tiny college club wields such an enormous amount of influence on the world’s only superpower. The breadth of clout ascribed to this organization is practically as wide ranging as the leverage of the satirical secret society the Stonecutters, introduced in an episode of The Simpsons.
Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do, We do.
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do, We do.
Certainly, Skull and Bones does cross boundaries in order to attempt to stay out of the public spotlight. When I wrote an article about the society for the Atlantic Monthly in May 2000, an older Bonesman said to me, "If it’s not portrayed positively, I’m sending a couple of my friends after you".
After the article was published, I received a telephone call at my office from a fellow journalist, who is a member of Skull and Bones. He scolded me for writing the article. "Writing that article was not an ethical or honourable way to make a decent living in journalism", he condescended and then asked me how much I had been paid for the story. When I refused to answer, he hung up. Fifteen minutes later, he called back.
"I have just gotten off the phone with our people".
"Your people?" I snickered.
"Yes. Our people", He told me that the society demanded to know where I got my information.
"I’ve never been in the tomb and I did nothing illegal in the process of reporting this article", I replied.
"Then you must have gotten something from one of us. Tell me whom you spoke to. We just want to talk to them", he wheedled.
"I don’t reveal my sources", Then he got angry. He screamed at me for a while about how dishonourable I was for writing the article.
"A lot of people are very despondent over this", he yelled. "Fifteen Yale juniors are very, very upset".
I thanked him for telling me his concerns.
"There are a lot of us at newspapers and at political journalism institutions", he coldly hissed. "Good luck with your career", and he slammed down the phone.
Skull and Bones, particularly in recent years, has managed to pervade both popular and political culture. In the 1992 race for the Republican presidential nomination, PAT BUCHANAN accused PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH of running 'A-SKULL-AND-BONES-PRESIDENCY'. In 1993, during Jeb Bush’s Florida gubernatorial campaign, one of his constituents asked him, "You’re familiar with the Skull and Crossbones Society?" When Bush responded, "Yeah, I’ve heard about it", the constituent persisted, "Well, can you tell the people here what your family membership in that is? Isn’t your aim to take control of the United States?"
In January 2001, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd used Skull and Bones in a simile, "When W. met the press with his choice for attorney general, John Ashcroft, before Christmas, he vividly showed how important it is to him that his White House be as 'leak-proof' as the Skull & Bones tomb". That was less than a year after the Universal Pictures film introduced the secret society to a new demographic, perhaps uninitiated into the doctrines of 'modern-day-conspiracy-theory'. Not long before the movie was previewed in theatres and, perhaps in anticipation of the election of George W. Bush, a letter was distributed to members from Skull and Bones headquarters.

"In view of the political happenings in the barbarian world, I feel compelled to remind all of the tradition of privacy and confidentiality essential to the well-being of our Order and strongly urge stout resistance to the seductions and blandishments of the Fourth Estate".
This vow of silence remains the society’s most important rule. Bonesmen have been exceedingly careful not to break this code of secrecy, and have kept specific details about the organisation out of the press. Indeed, given the unusual, strict written reminder to stay silent, members of Skull and Bones may well refuse to speak to any member of the media ever again.
But they have already spoken to me. When? Over the past three years. Why? Perhaps because I am a member of one of Skull and Bones’ kindred Yale secret societies. Perhaps because some of them are tired of the Skull and Bones legend, of the claims of conspiracy theorists and some of their fellow Bonesmen. What follows, then, is the truth about Skull and Bones. And if this truth does not contain all of the conspiratorial elements that the Skull and Bones legend projects, it is perhaps all the more interesting for that fact. The story of Skull and Bones is not just the story of a remarkable secret society, but a remarkable society of secrets, some with basis in truth, some nothing but fog. Much of the way we understand the world of power involves myriad assumptions of connection and control, of cause and effect, and of coincidence that surely cannot be coincidence.

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yale crest
By Eric Samuelson, J.D.

I am presently researching a biography on David Rockefeller.

An overview of the book will soon be sent to a New York City agent for circulation among all the major publishing houses. Among the topics that will be covered is the role of British USA Round Table member Rep. Wayne Hays (Demo-Ohio) in "killing" the Reece Committee investigation of tax-exempt foundations, the disappearance of the research on the Rockefeller-funded Kinsey studies and the "disposal" threats made to Reece Investigator Norman Dodd by a lobbyist for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
In 1986, Hoover scholar Antony C. Sutton published his "magnum opus".



In his preface Sutton said he had been given an eight-inch batch of documents which was "nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the sheets it was more than obvious — this was no ordinary group. The names spelled Power with a capital P." Throughout the book Sutton hinted at even deeper revelations he would make in books to come. However, the full list never was published by Sutton. In making inquiries of those who knew Sutton, I was told that he had become exiled in his own country. For months I searched the Web looking for a list of the members of Skull and Bones. At long last, a notebook was given to me which required the use of a magnifying glass to make out the names. So, the following semi-final list is about 97% accurate. It opens the door to the Bones realm at a time that one of their own is now hitting the campaign trail for the Republican presidential nomination.
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We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.
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