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We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015


On its way to Syria, Russian Mi-35. Let’s see how many virgins ISIS/Daesh can rape once this has come calling!



[ WARRIOR NEWS ].///\\*|||.


SEPTEMBER 1, 2015.

The might of Russia’s air force could be about to be unleashed on the murderous cancer known as Islamic State!

                                           Russian UFO Jet Fighters

Russia has given up on Obama’s incoherent 'Middle-Eastern-policy' that veers between arming Islamic terrorists and bombing them.

Having called for an international coalition to crush the isis threat but seeing only chaos and folly in the response from America’s 'Muslim-Brotherhood' stooge of a President, Russia is reported to be poised to send a major expeditionary force to Syria to help the government there defeat the 'head-cutting-mass-murderers'.

Although the forward elements of the Russian force have already arrived at an airbase near Damascus, the controlled 'Main-Stream-Media' in the West have still not reported on the 'game-changing-move'.... But the news which for the last week has been on a few alternative news sites in the USA which, are not always reliable sources of information, is confirmed by two very different and 'well-informed-sources'.

First with the news was Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet... Meyssan has very good information sources within Syria and his August 24th article, 'The Russian Army is beginning to engage in Syria', appears to have been the source for the chatter elsewhere on the web.

According to this source, Russia will be sending a fleet of powerful 'ground-attack-helicopters' as well as heavily armed fighter planes and thousands of military advisers and trainers in the drive to crush isis and alqaeda, which operates in Syria under the name 'Jabhat-al-Nusra'.

                                            'Jabhat-al-Nusra' training.

Second, and a full week later 'Ynetnews' has today carried a report... Russian jets in Syrian skies, confirming the story under the sub-heading...

..."Russia has begun its military intervention in Syria, deploying an aerial contingent to a permanent Syrian base, in order to launch attacks against ISIS and Islamist rebels; US stays silent".

Despite the silence of the no doubt confused Western media, the endorsement of the story by Ynetnews is very significant... The operation is the online 'English-language' news website of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s most-read newspaper.

It goes on to report...


According to Western diplomats, a Russian expeditionary force has already arrived in Syria and set up camp in an 'Assad-controlled-airbase'... The base is said to be in an area surrounding Damascus, and will serve, for all intents and purposes, as a Russian forward operating base.

In the coming weeks thousands of Russian military personnel are set to touch down in Syria, including... 'advisers', 'instructors', 'logistics-personnel', 'technical-personnel', members of the 'aerial-protection-division', and 'the-pilots', who will operate the aircraft.

Past reports have stated that the Russians were in talks to sell the Syrians a package of MiG-29 fighter jets, and Yak-130 trainer jets, which can also serve as attack aircraft.

The current 'make-up' of the expeditionary force is still unknown, but there is no doubt that Russian pilots flying combat missions in Syrian skies will definitely change the existing dynamics in the Middle East.

The Russians do not harbour offensive intentions towards Israel or other sovereign states in the area, and their main stated goal is battling isis and preserving Assad’s rule.

However, their presence will represent a challenge to the Israeli Air Force’s freedom of operation in the skies above the Middle East.

Western diplomatic sources recently reported that a series of negotiations had been held between the Russians and the Iranians, mainly focusing on isis and the threat it poses to the Assad regime.

The infamous Iranian 'Quds-Force' commander Major General Qasem Soleimani recently visited Moscow in the framework of these talks... As a result the Russians and the Iranians reached a strategic decision... Make any effort necessary to preserve Assad’s seat of power, so that Syria may act as a barrier, and prevent the spread of isis and Islamist backed militias into the former 'Soviet-Islamic-republics'.

Simultaneously, and for the first time, the Russian army has just supplied satellite images to Syria.

                                              some satellite images.

This decision, awaited for five years, inverses the military situation... Indeed, so far, the 'jihadists' have often escaped the 'Syrian-Arab-Army' thanks to satellite images supplied by 'NATO' in real time... Even though, over a six-month period, it would seem that 'NATO' no longer shares its intelligence with the 'Islamic-Emirate', but only with the 'al-Nusra-Front'... 'alQaïda'.

Finally, the Russian military advisers possess a wealth of information which they use in order to study the possibility of an international deployment under banner of the 'UNO'.

They have to present a report to the Kremlin which would also study the possibility of a Russian operation as well as a joint operation by the 'Collective-Security-Treaty-Organization', (CSTO).

The 'CSTO' will be meeting in Douchanbe, Tadjikistan, on the 15th of September.

A deployment by the 'CSTO' had already been envisaged, in June 2012, during the preparation for the 'Geneva-Conference-1'... Indeed, this military alliance includes three states with a Muslim population, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, and Tadjikistan, who are better prepared than Russia to fight terrorists who claim to be 'Islamist'.

However, at the time, the 'CSTO' had no agreement with the 'UNO' to carry out peace operations... This situation was resolved on the 28th of September 2012, it could also be applied as well in Afghanistan as in Syria.
Some elements in Washington will be appalled to see the first Russian combat forces overseas since 1989 going into battle against their plausibly deniable pet Jihadists, in an action which will secure President Putin even more admiration from the world’s public, by now, just desperate for someone to get tough on Islamic State and to work with those fighting it on the ground.

Others may be hopeful that Russia will get bogged down in a new 'Vietnam-Afghanistan-type-conflict'... If so, they are likely to be disappointed, because the difference here is that the Syrian Army has, despite terrible logistical and training deficiencies, put up a very effective fight against the Islamists for over four years... Plus its Hezbollah and Iranian allies are also very effective fighters and are already on the front foot in several strategic parts of the war zone.


So if the information is confirmed, and if Russia is really serious about using its air force to provide these Arab and Iranian 'boots-on-the-ground' with 'high-tech-intelligence' and devastating air power, then the situation in Syria and Iraq could be about to take a very dramatic turn for the better.

Meanwhile the global leadership role exercised by the USA since 1945 and squandered in a series of 'ill-judged' and 'calamitous-adventures' at the behest of powerful but undemocratic lobby groups on Capitol Hill, will be undermined even further.

It may be going too far to say that the combination of this move, together with the 'Russian-Chinese-plans' to provide an 'alternative-to-the-Dollar' for global trade, heralds the end of the 'American-Century', but times certainly are a’changing.

There’s a long way to go yet, but ordinary American taxpayers and parents, like the rest of the world, can look to the future with just a little more confidence and optimism. <source>


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