We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.
No club to join, no leaders to obey!

Monday, November 23, 2015


Dr. Bradstreet speaking at a conference. Image from Facebook page – Remembering Dr. Bradstreet.
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Doctors are Being Killed from Saving Your Children ~ Most Urgent ~
Dr. Ted Broer explains why doctors are being killed for what they've discovering about vaccinations and how to cure the effects of the Elite's genocide.forced on your children and those taking forced vaccinations.

The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report-7-25-Dr. Ted Broer
The Hagmann and Hagmann Report is broadcasting a special Saturday edition, featuring the very knowledgeable and articulate Dr. Ted Broer, founder of director of HealthMasters. But it’s not just about health. Dr. Broer is perhaps one of the most informed people about the state of affairs in America. He knows history and is a leading voice in the world of geopolitical analysis. Dr. Broer has important information to share as we close in on the third quarter of 2015 – and looking beyond. Don’t miss this critical special broadcast.

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One of the world's most lucrative industries, spending on cancer drugs reached an all time high last year, as it was valued at more than $100 billion. Spending on cancer drugs increased 6.5 percent annually over the past five years and is expected to continue growing at a rate of 8 percent each year through 2018, according to figures provided by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. That spending is highly concentrated, as the US and five of Europe's largest countries account for nearly two-thirds of the entire market.

by (timsmithmd.com)

Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses... HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others.
Its formal, official chemical name is 'alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase', but this is such a 'tongue-twisting-mouthful' of a moniker, that we usually just call it 'Nagalase'. (Sometimes, when I want to impress friends with my brilliance, I’ll say the entire word real fast... 'alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase'. I have found that it’s important to practice beforehand if one doesn’t want to embarrass oneself.)

Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can grow unchecked. As an extremely sensitive marker for all cancers, Nagalase provides a powerful system for early detection. Serial Nagalase testing provides a reliable and accurate method for tracking the results of any therapeutic regimen for cancer, AIDS, or other chronic viral infection.

Normal healthy cells cooperate with one another in a concerted effort to further the good of all. Cancer cells refuse to play ball. Their disdainful attitude toward the rest of our cellular community is appalling. For example, these cellular 'scofflaws' ignore clear messages to stop growing and spreading and encroaching on their neighbour's space. How would you like it if your neighbour moved his fence over into your backyard? Of all the rules cancer cells break, none is more alarming than the production of Nagalase, the evil enzyme that completely 'hog-ties' the immune system army's ability to stop cancer cells. Virus particles also make Nagalase. Their goal is the same as that of the cancer cells. Survival by incapacitating their number one enemy, 'the-immune-system'.

Like a stealth bomber, the 'Nagalase-enzyme', synthesised in and released from a cancer cell or a virus particle, pinpoints the 'GcMAF' production facilities on the surface of your 'T' and 'B' lymphocytes and then wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb. How precise? Let me put it this way. Nagalase locates and attacks one specific 'two-electron-bond' located at and, only at, the '420th-amino-acid-position' on a huge protein molecule, 'DBP', one of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons. This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from six thousand miles away. More astonishing, if that is possible, Nagalase never misses its target. There is no collateral damage. 'GcMAF' is a 'cell-signalling-glycoprotein' that talks to 'macrophages', enabling them to rapidly find, attack and kill viruses and cancer cells. By activating macrophages, GcMAF triggers a cascade that activates the entire immune system. Blockage of GcMAF production by Nagalase brings all this wonderful 'anti-cancer' and 'anti-viral' immune activity to a screeching halt, allowing cancer and infections to spread.

How does it destroy immune functioning and deactivate macrophages?
Once synthesised and released into nearby tissue or into the bloodstream, Nagalase, like that drill sergeant at boot camp, shouts harsh commands at the 'vitamin-D-binding-protein', 'DBP', that is about to be turned into GcMAF. Nagalase demands that DBP not, under any circumstances, attach itself to a specific sugar molecule, 'galactosamine'. If DBP has already grabbed (i.e., connected to, using a 'two-electron', 'covalent-bond', a 'galactosamine-sugar-molecule', it is commanded to immediately let go. "Leave galactosamine alone, or you’ll be in big trouble", is the Nagalase sergeant’s command. We’ll probably never know whether or not, on some deeper level, DBP knows that Nagalase’s motives are dastardly but, it doesn’t really matter, DBP will definitely always obey. Like the army private, the DBP literally has no choice. Because of the way hierarchies work in cellular biology, proteins must do the bidding of their enzymes. The enzymes, like Nagalase, are the drill sergeant and the proteins, like DBP, are the privates. That’s just the way it is. Obeying the drill sergeant’s command means DBP can’t do its assigned task, that of becoming GcMAF. It is rendered useless. For DBP, on a molecular level, life no longer has meaning. Unfortunately for cancer and viral patients, DBP had been on its way to becoming GcMAF until the Nagalase drill sergeant so rudely interrupted. Now GcMAF, the one protein our bodies need in order to activate our immune systems, can’t be made. Immune activity screeches to a halt. The defence system protecting us from cancers and viruses has been snuffed out. Nagalase, using this astonishingly simple yet cunningly subversive technique, emasculates the GcMAF precursor protein, 'DBP', by knocking off its three sugar molecules. One quick whack by Nagalase and the DBP protein that would have become a GcMAF molecule now limps off into the sunset, permanently disfigured and disabled. With one simple, swift maneuver, Nagalase has brought the entire immune system to its knees. Here’s how Dr. Yamamoto put it. (For clarity, I’ve replaced some of the technical words) "Serum vitamin 'D3-binding-protein', (DBP), is the precursor for the principal macrophage activating factor, (GcMAF). The precursor activity of serum DBP was reduced. These patient's sera contained alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, (Nagalase), that 'deglycosylates', removes the sugars from, DBP. Deglycosylated DBP cannot be converted to GcMAF, thus it loses the GcMAF precursor activity, leading to immunosuppression". (Microbes Infect. 2005 Apr;7(4):674-81. Epub 2005 Mar 22. Pathogenic significance of alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity found in the hemagglutinin of influenza virus. Yamamoto N, Urade M.)

It’s easy to be a little schizy about Nagalase. On the one hand, this nasty protein’s behaviour toward us has been reprehensible and disastrous. Working in cahoots with cancer and HIV, not shy about getting into bed with our mortal enemies, Nagalase can rightfully claim direct responsibility for billions of human deaths and it would just as soon add you to the list, so we don’t have to be shy about placing Nagalase in the 'genocidal-murderer' column. With the advent of Nagalase testing, however, this bad actor now will be harnessed to a useful purpose. By providing us with precise and reliable advance information about enemy operations, Nagalase blood level testing becomes a 'Deep-Throat' double agent for cancer. He helps us by giving us an early warning sign.

You don’t want a cancer to have gotten out of control by the time you find and start treating it. When cancers are still young and small, gentle natural therapies are the most effective. Alternative treatments work best on early small cancers by enhancing immune functioning and removing the source of the inflammation that is causing the cancer in the first place. Cancers that have become large enough to see on imaging pose a much more significant threat, and the big guns now become necessary. The current method for diagnosing most cancers requires us to wait until a mass shows up on imaging, for example, a mammogram, chest X-ray, or colonoscopy. This approach wastes valuable time and causes needless deaths. But long before imaging can find it, a positive Nagalase, or AMAS test, can tell us that early stage cancer exists somewhere in the body. By enabling earlier and therefore less invasive treatment options, this information provides a huge 'head-start'. Normally present at only trace levels, Nagalase shows up in the blood when a cancer or virus appears. The malignant and viral entities that make Nagalase are not normally present, so its appearance is a big deal from a diagnostic perspective. When Nagalase shows up, even in very small amounts, we have the earliest glimpse of a new cancer or viral infection. The old adage, "Where there’s smoke, there’s fire", applies here. A positive Nagalase test notifies us that a cancer, or a nasty virus, lurks within.
Nagalase appears in the blood stream when a nascent cancer is just a minute cluster of abnormal cells, long before conventional diagnostic methods can detect it. Through blood testing, we can find this red flag, even when present at exceedingly low levels. Providing us with this early warning sign might not quite qualify Nagalase for the 'Good-Samaritan-Award' but, I could go with 'extremely-useful'. Like a rehabilitated criminal on parole, the potential for harm is still there. For now, however, he’s staying out of trouble and doing community service. Turn your back and he’s a mass murderer again.

Rising Nagalase levels indicate a cancer or virus is growing and spreading. Conversely, Nagalase levels will decrease if the cancer or infection is being effectively destroyed. Any treatment that lowers cancer cell, or viral, numbers will lower Nagalase levels. Nagalase will, for example, always drop after surgery, whether or not the entire tumour was removed. Chemotherapy and radiation also reduce Nagalase levels. So does GcMAF. If, after these treatments, the depressed level begins to rise again, this is the warning sign that the cancer was not completely removed and, or that, metastatic disease is hiding out somewhere. With viral infections, increasing Nagalase levels indicate return of the infection. Consecutive rising Nagalase levels are therefore a red flag, warning us it may be time to entertain new treatment options. Conversely, if levels are going down, stay the course: the cancer or virus is going away.

Many medical professionals don’t feel comfortable with 'non-specific-tests' like Nagalase. It drives them nuts to discover that a cancer is lurking somewhere inside without knowing exactly where it is located. "How, they ask, do you expect me to treat a cancer I can’t see? Why, I’m not going to tilt at windmills". This may be a signal that you need to find a different doctor, perhaps one who works in an alternative cancer clinic. Here you will find 'highly-trained-professionals' who understand the concept that cancer is a molecular biological change long before it presents visually, by this I mean, becomes viewable on imaging. When GcMAF becomes available, the answer will be easier. A six month course of weekly 100 ng GcMAF intramuscular injections with monthly Nagalase level tests to follow the Nagalase level as it goes back down to baseline. The cancer can be declared cured, even though it never reached 'life-threatening-proportions'.
(We have a long way to go before this kind of medical behaviour will be commonplace and acceptable. The sooner the better, however.)

Nagalase, arguably our most 'immunosuppressive-protein-molecule', poses an enormous threat in terms of cancer perpetuation and viruses' ability to continually defeat us. Yet cancer researchers have not shown any interest in it. (Maybe I’m being a little too generous here, perhaps 'clueless' would be a more accurate depiction.) Why don’t they get it that blasting cancer cells into oblivion with 'chemo' and 'radiation' is usually not sufficient to stop advanced disease and does nothing to address the cause, 'immunosuppression'. Even if we ignore, for the moment, the excessive collateral damage caused by chemotherapy drugs and radiation, the patient also needs, (requires), a healthy immune system to finish the job. If we don’t revive immune function by disabling Nagalase, the cancers and viruses will just keep roaring back. Restoring 'immuno-competence' by negating the stultifying effect of Nagalase should therefore become a primary research goal.

November 23, 2015.
by John P. Thomas (Health Impact News)

Two internationally known doctors may have lost their lives, because they knew about the connection between these two diseases. Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, MD, an alternative autism specialist and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, an alternative cancer specialist, saw the truth and were willing to step outside of the standard allopathic medical model for treating cancer and autism. They were pioneers in their respective fields and both recently died or perhaps were killed because of their successful treatments of sick, suffering and dying patients.

On June 19, 2015, Dr. Bradstreet reportedly shot himself in the chest after his offices were raided by U.S. FDA agents and State of Georgia law enforcement agents. Three days before his death, agents exercised a search warrant to gather information about the use of GcMAF with autistic patients in his clinic.
Human GcMAF holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinson’s. Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer.
46 of these papers can be accessed through the GcMAF website.
When agents from the USFDA and local state of Georgia law enforcement raided Dr. Bradstreet’s clinic, they had a very specific agenda, they were after everything they could find pertaining to GcMAF. The search warrant stated in part that agents were to gather all Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, (GcMAF), GCGlobulin, and/or any other products or component substances thereof that constitute misbranded drugs under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. They were to collect all records, in whatever form, associated with the use of GcMAF.


GcMAF is not a drug, but a natural substance produced in the human body. GcMAF was being produced in Europe and Dr. Bradstreet was using it with his patients. He was conducting clinical experiments the results of which were published in scientific medical journals.
Scientific medical research is also being done on GcMAF for the treatment of terminal cancer. The results are very promising.

On July 21, 2015 Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died. The cause of death was indicated as a heart attack. At the time of this writing, results from an autopsy have yet to be published. He was reported to be in good health.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.
Would a healthy man who understood how diet could be used to prevent, reverse and cure disease be someone who was likely to have a heart attack? Was his heart attack just a natural occurrence, or could it have been caused by an external intervention? In 1975, testimony before the U.S. Congress indicated that a weapon had been developed to shoot a projectile into a victim without the victim’s knowledge, which would introduce a nearly undetectable substance into the body that would cause a heart attack. The victim would be killed without the telltale evidence of normal bloody assignation.

How much more sophisticated weaponry has been developed in the last 40 years since that testimony? Are there new ways to permanently silence doctors who stand alone on the outside of conventional medicine and who will not be quiet about the truth they see? Are the causes of death for these two very well-known alternative medicine doctors coincidental? Are we being told the truth? Is there a connection between their research and their deaths? Was there research about to cut a large hole in the cancer treatment business and the vaccine business? Let’s take a closer look at GcMAF.

What if there was a simple treatment that could reverse all forms of cancer without radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery? What if it was an unpatentable natural substance produced by the human body and could be given to boost the human immune system to such a degree that it could eradicate cancer from the body without side effects? What if that same substance could be given to autistic children and 85% of them would experience improvement in their autism and many would be completely cured? Wouldn’t that be wonderful! Most people would think so, but there are many major corporations who would see such a substance as a major threat to their financial prosperity. It would be a major threat to the cancer treatment industry, the cancer drug manufacturing industry, and the vaccine manufacturing industry. Many believe that substance exists and is called GcMAF. Its technical names are “group specific component macrophage activating factor” or “Vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor.” It is not a miracle drug – it is simply part of the human immune system. GcMAF reportedly activates special cells called macrophages in the human body that have the ability to destroy cancer cells and viruses. GcMAF reportedly also has the ability to treat and often completely cure autism. The connection between cancer and autism is GcMAF.

The ability of GcMAF to do its normal job can be inhibited by the presence of a protein called alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase or nagalase for short. Nagalase is made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others).

When a person has cancer or a viral infection, the levels of nagalase increase and can be measured to assess the level of cancer or viral activity in the body. Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. The macrophages are still present in the body, but the nagalase prevents them from waking up and becoming active. This means that cancer and viral infections can grow unchecked while macrophages sleep.

We also know that the levels of nagalase are elevated in children with autism. What is interesting here is that these children do not have cancer or life-threatening viral infections. In their case, the level of nagalase is elevated and is directly linked to symptoms of the autism spectrum. The result of the immune suppression caused by nagalase is seen in digestive disorders, sensory overload, and numerous types of processing dysfunction in the brain. Higher levels of nagalase are associated with higher levels of autistic symptoms. Some autistic children do have high viral loads in their digestive system, which would explain the elevated nagalase. However, this is not always the case. If autistic children don’t have cancer or viral infections, then what is the source of their elevated nagalase levels? If nagalase wasn’t made in their bodies by cancer cells or viruses, then how did it get into the bodies of infants and young children?

According to an informant who wishes to remain anonymous for reasons of personal safety, Dr. Bradstreet and other alternative medical researchers came to understand that nagalase is being introduced into the bodies of people who receive vaccinations. Dr. Bradstreet understood that people have different reactions to nagalase, and a small percentage of people do not experience suppression of their immune systems. However, for the majority, there is dangerous immune system suppression, which opens the door to cancer and autism.

Were Dr. Bradstreet and Dr Gonzalez about to explain to the public that one of the key causes of cancer and autism is nagalase, which is being injected into the body as a part of vaccines? Is it possible that those who claim that they are preventing communicable diseases are actually creating cancer and autism? We will likely never know about their plans for disclosure – we can only wonder! Was Dr. Bradstreet simply so upset over what the United States government did to his clinic that he just got depressed and took his own life? Was he just a quack who was out to fleece the parents of autistic children as the mainstream media suggest? Did he really kill children as some allege?
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet – Image from YouTube.

Dr. Bradstreet spoke at the 2015 AutismOne Conference in May of this year. He spoke about GcMAF toward the end of his hour long presentation. He made note of the fact that he had certain important announcements about this therapy that would be released in the near future. Whatever they were, he apparently didn’t live long enough to make them. During his presentation, Dr. Bradstreet provided an introduction to the therapies that were provided by his clinic, and provided an explanation of how they help restore normal health to autistic children.

"GcMAF products influence the endocannabinoid pathway. GcMAF has been one of the most powerful tools that I have ever used for autism. How many of you were GcMAF responders and thought it was amazing? How many of you are really pissed off that it is no longer available? I have a little announcement about that coming too". [see video below] You may wish to listen to Dr. Bradstreet describe his clinical activities. This lecture was recorded a month before his death. Does this sound like a man who would crumble under pressure from the FDA?
CASSAT 5 22 15 1 James Bradstreet

Various reports from Florida and other U.S. locations reveal that a number of alternative health doctors have been found dead or have gone missing without a trace. These events have occurred during the month that separated the deaths of Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Gonzalez, June 19th through July 21st.
Disinformation websites have already popped up and have begun to paint pictures in the mind of readers that all this is coincidence and the deaths of these nine doctors had nothing to do with their work. They insist that these events are all unrelated. The available information about the other deaths is limited. It is hard to judge those situations, because the information about the work of these doctors and their deaths or disappearances is sketchy. One thing, however, is true, these events create an image in the minds of alternative healthcare providers and their patients that we are entering into a new era of concern, where death may be a real consequence for those who dare to speak out in opposition to big pharma, the dominant conventional healthcare system, and the U.S. regulatory system that is controlled by international mega corporations.

Conventional media reports of Dr. Bradstreet’s death paint a picture of quackery. They quickly apply the label 'paranoid' to anyone who raises questions about the possibility of murder and conspiracy concerning his death and the growing list of dead doctors. There is clear reason to be concerned. We are now living in an time when the pharmaceutical industry has just about taken total control over the healthcare system, just as the chemical industry has just about seized control over the food supply. How long will it be until the most vocal opponents to corporate domination of healthcare are simply driven out of the United States, or simply silenced under mysterious circumstances? It is a time for alternative minded doctors to become more vocal, and not to be silenced out of fear. It is a time for patients and their doctors to speak the truth about how our conventional healthcare system is killing far more people than it is helping.

There are some people who may not be affected by the nagalase in vaccines. However, for the majority, this substance is suppressing their immune system each time they receive a vaccine. Some infants and children develop autism spectrum disorders as a result, and other children and adults develop cancer. What would it mean for the call for mandatory universal vaccination of all children if it was understood that vaccinations cause autism spectrum disorder and cancer, and the prevention and treatment of these problems is to stop vaccinating damaged children and to administer weekly doses of GcMAF until they become healthy again?

We have lost the war on cancer. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life. The cancer industry is probably the most prosperous business in the United States. In 2014, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths in the US. $6 billion of tax-payer funds are cycled through various federal agencies for cancer research, such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI states that the medical costs of cancer care are $125 billion, with a projected 39 percent increase to $173 billion by 2020. The simple fact is that the cancer industry employs too many people and produces too much income to allow a cure to be found. All of the current research on cancer drugs is based on the premise that the cancer market will grow, not shrink.

Conventional physicians want us to believe that there are only three treatments for cancer – surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In fact, allopathic physicians have exclusively use these three approaches for the past 100 years with very little long-term success. Even though it is clear that even the US government admits that radiation and chemo both cause cancer, these therapies continue to be used with little concern about the new cancers that they cause. (For additional information on the operation of the pharmaceutical cartel that controls cancer treatment in the United States, please see the above link... "The Cancer Industry is Too Prosperous to Allow a Cure")


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International Freelance Media Correspondent.
Warriors For Schapelle Corby Base Command.
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Sunday, November 22, 2015


by Karen Armstrong.
Although Islamic State is certainly an Islamic movement, it is neither typical nor mired in the distant past, because its roots are in Wahhabism, a form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia that developed only in the 18th century.
As the so-called Islamic State demolishes nation states set up by the Europeans almost a century ago, Islamic State's obscene savagery seems to epitomise the violence that many believe to be inherent in religion in general and Islam in particular. It also suggests that the 'neo-conservative-ideology' that inspired the Iraq war was delusory, since it assumed that the liberal nation state was an inevitable outcome of modernity and that, once Saddam’s dictatorship had gone, Iraq could not fail to become a 'western-style-democracy'. Instead, Islamic State, which was born in the Iraq war and is intent on restoring the 'pre-modern-autocracy' of the caliphate, seems to be reverting to barbarism. On the 16th of November, 2014, the militants released a video showing that they had beheaded a fifth western hostage, the American aid worker Peter Kassig, as well as several captured Syrian soldiers. Some will see the group’s ferocious irredentism as proof of Islam’s chronic inability to embrace modern values. Yet although Islamic State is certainly an Islamic movement, it is neither typical nor mired in the distant past, because its roots are in Wahhabism, a form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia that developed only in the 18th century.
In July 2013, the European Parliament identified Wahhabism as the main source of global terrorism and yet, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, condemning Islamic State in the strongest terms, has insisted that... "The ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism do not belong to Islam in any way". Other members of the Saudi ruling class, however, look more kindly on the movement, applauding its staunch opposition to Shiaism and for its Salafi piety, its adherence to the original practices of Islam. This inconsistency is a salutary reminder of the impossibility of making accurate generalisations about any religious tradition. In its short history, Wahhabism has developed at least two distinct forms, each of which has a wholly different take on violence.
During the 18th century, revivalist movements sprang up in many parts of the Islamic world as the Muslim imperial powers began to lose control of peripheral territories. In the west at this time, we were beginning to separate church from state but this secular ideal was a radical innovation, as revolutionary as the commercial economy that Europe was concurrently devising. No other culture regarded religion as a purely private activity, separate from such worldly pursuits as politics, so for Muslims, the political fragmentation of their society was also a religious problem. Because the Quran had given them a sacred mission, to build a just economy in which everybody was treated with equity and respect, the political well-being of the umma, 'the-community', was always a matter of sacred import. If the poor were oppressed, the vulnerable exploited or state institutions corrupt, Muslims were obliged to make every effort to put society back on track.
So the 18th century reformers were convinced that, if Muslims were to regain lost power and prestige, they must return to the fundamentals of their faith, ensuring that God, rather than materialism or worldly ambition, dominated the political order. There was nothing militant about this 'fundamentalism', rather, it was a 'grass-roots-attempt' to reorient society and did not involve jihad. One of the most influential of these revivalists was Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, (1703 - 1791), a learned scholar of Najd in central Arabia, whose teachings still inspire Muslim reformers and extremists today. He was especially concerned about the popular cult of saints and the idolatrous rituals at their tombs, which, he believed, attributed divinity to mere mortals. He insisted that every single man and woman should concentrate instead on the study of the Quran and the 'traditions', (hadith), about the customary practice, (Sunnah), of the Prophet and his companions. Like Luther, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab wanted to return to the earliest teachings of his faith and eject all later medieval accretions. He therefore opposed Sufism and Shiaism as heretical innovations, (bidah), and he urged all Muslims to reject the learned exegesis developed over the centuries by the ulema, (scholars), and interpret the texts for themselves.
This naturally incensed the clergy and threatened local rulers, who believed that interfering with these popular devotions would cause social unrest. Eventually, however, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab found a patron in Muhammad Ibn Saud, a chieftain of Najd who adopted his ideas. But tension soon developed between the two because Ibn Abd al-Wahhab refused to endorse Ibn Saud’s military campaigns for plunder and territory, insisting that jihad could not be waged for personal profit but was permissible only when the umma was attacked militarily. He also forbade the Arab custom of killing prisoners of war, the deliberate destruction of property and the slaughter of civilians, including women and children. Nor did he ever claim that those who fell in battle were martyrs who would be rewarded with a high place in heaven, because a desire for such 'self-aggrandisement' was incompatible with jihad. Two forms of Wahhabism were emerging, where Ibn Saud was happy to enforce Wahhabi Islam with the sword to enhance his political position, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab insisted that education, study and debate were the only legitimate means of spreading the one true faith.
Yet although scripture was so central to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s ideology, by insisting that his version of Islam alone had validity, he had distorted the Quranic message. The Quran firmly stated that, "There must be no coercion in matters of faith", (2:256), ruled that Muslims must believe in the revelations of all the great prophets, (3:84), and that religious pluralism was God’s will, (5:48). Muslims had, therefore, been traditionally wary of takfir, the practice of declaring a fellow Muslim to be an unbeliever, (kafir). Hitherto Sufism, which had developed an outstanding appreciation of other faith traditions, had been the most popular form of Islam and had played an important role in both social and religious life. "Do not praise your own faith so exclusively that you disbelieve all the rest", urged the great mystic Ibn al-Arabi, (d.1240). "God the omniscient and omnipresent cannot be confined to any one creed". It was common for a Sufi to claim that he was neither a 'Jew' nor a 'Christian', nor even a 'Muslim', because once you glimpsed the divine, you left these 'man-made-distinctions' behind.
Despite his rejection of other forms of Islam, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab himself refrained from takfir, arguing that God alone could read the heart but, after his death, Wahhabis cast this inhibition aside and the generous pluralism of Sufism became increasingly suspect in the Muslim world.
After his death, too, Wahhabism became more violent, an instrument of state terror. As he sought to establish an independent kingdom, Abd al-Aziz Ibn Muhammad, Ibn Saud’s son and successor, used takfir to justify the wholesale slaughter of resistant populations. In 1801, his army sacked the holy Shia city of Karbala in what is now Iraq, plundered the tomb of Imam Husain, and slaughtered thousands of Shias, including women and children. In 1803, in fear and panic, the holy city of Mecca surrendered to the Saudi leader.
Eventually, in 1815, the Ottomans despatched Muhammad Ali Pasha, governor of Egypt, to crush the Wahhabi forces and destroy their capital. But Wahhabism became a political force once again during the First World War when the Saudi chieftain, another Abd al-Aziz, made a new push for statehood and began to carve out a large kingdom for himself in the Middle East with his devout Bedouin army, known as the Ikhwan, the 'Brotherhood'.
In the Ikhwan, we see the roots of Islamic State.
To break up the tribes and wean them from the nomadic life, which was deemed incompatible with Islam, the Wahhabi clergy had settled the Bedouin in oases, where they learned farming and the crafts of sedentary life and were indoctrinated in Wahhabi Islam. Once they exchanged the 'time-honoured' ghazu raid, which typically resulted in the plunder of livestock, for the jihad, these Bedouin fighters became more violent and extreme, covering their faces when they encountered Europeans and 'non-Saudi-Arabs' and fighting with lances and swords because they disdained weaponry not used by the Prophet. In the old ghazu raids, the Bedouin had always kept casualties to a minimum and did not attack 'non-combatants'. Now the Ikhwan routinely massacred 'apostate' unarmed villagers in their thousands, thought nothing of slaughtering women and children, and routinely slit the throats of all male captives.
In 1915, Abd al-Aziz planned to conquer the Hijaz, an area in the west of present day Saudi Arabia that includes the cities of Mecca and Medina, the Persian Gulf to the east of Najd, and the land that is now Syria and Jordan in the north, but during the 1920's he tempered his ambitions in order to acquire diplomatic standing as a nation state with Britain and the United States. The Ikhwan, however, continued to raid the British protectorates of Iraq, Transjordan and Kuwait, insisting that no limits could be placed on jihad. Regarding all modernisation as bidah, the Ikhwan also attacked Abd al-Aziz for permitting telephones, cars, the telegraph, music and smoking, indeed, anything unknown in Muhammad’s time, until finally Abd al-Aziz quashed their rebellion in 1930.
After the defeat of the Ikhwan, the official Wahhabism of the Saudi kingdom abandoned militant jihad and became a religiously conservative movement, similar to the original movement in the time of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, except that takfir was now an accepted practice and, indeed, essential to the Wahhabi faith. Henceforth there would always be tension between the ruling Saudi establishment and more radical Wahhabis. The Ikhwan spirit and its dream of territorial expansion did not die, but gained new ground in the 1970's, when the kingdom became central to western foreign policy in the region. Washington welcomed the Saudis' opposition to Nasserism, the 'pan-Arab-socialist-ideology' of Egypt's second president, Gamal Abdel Nasser and, to Soviet influence. After the Iranian Revolution, it gave tacit support to the Saudis' project of countering Shia radicalism by Wahhabising the entire Muslim world.
The soaring oil price created by the 1973 embargo, when Arab petroleum producers cut off supplies to the United States to protest against the Americans' military support for Israel, gave the kingdom all the petrodollars it needed to export its idiosyncratic form of Islam. The old military jihad to spread the faith was now replaced by a cultural offensive. The 'Saudi-based-Muslim-World-League' opened offices in every region inhabited by Muslims and the Saudi ministry of religion printed and distributed Wahhabi translations of the Quran, Wahhabi doctrinal texts and the writings of modern thinkers whom the Saudis found congenial, such as Sayyids Abul-A’la Maududi and Qutb, to Muslim communities throughout the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia, the United States and Europe. In all these places, they funded the building of 'Saudi-style-mosques' with Wahhabi preachers and established madrasas that provided free education for the poor, with, of course, a Wahhabi curriculum. At the same time, young men from the poorer Muslim countries, such as Egypt and Pakistan, who had felt compelled to find work in the Gulf to support their families, associated their relative affluence with Wahhabism and brought this faith back home with them, living in new neighbourhoods with Saudi mosques and shopping malls that segregated the sexes. The Saudis demanded religious conformity in return for their munificence, so Wahhabi rejection of all other forms of Islam as well as other faiths would reach as deeply into Bradford, England, and Buffalo, New York, as into Pakistan, Jordan or Syria, everywhere gravely undermining Islam’s traditional pluralism.
A whole generation of Muslims, therefore, has grown up with a maverick form of Islam that has given them a negative view of other faiths and an intolerantly sectarian understanding of their own. While not extremist per se, this is an outlook in which radicalism can develop. In the past, the learned exegesis of the ulema, which Wahhabis rejected, had held extremist interpretations of scripture in check but now, unqualified freelancers such as Osama Bin Laden were free to develop highly unorthodox readings of the Quran. To prevent the spread of radicalism, the Saudis tried to deflect their young from the internal problems of the kingdom during the 1980's by encouraging a 'pan-Islamist-sentiment' of which the Wahhabi ulema did not approve.
Where Islamists, in such countries as Egypt, fought tyranny and corruption at home, Saudi Islamists focused on the humiliation and oppression of Muslims worldwide. Television brought images of Muslim suffering in Palestine or Lebanon into comfortable Saudi homes. The gov­ernment also encouraged young men to join the steady stream of recruits from the Arab world who were joining the Afghans' jihad against the Soviet Union. The response of these militants may throw light on the motivation of those joining the jihad in Syria and Iraq today.
A survey of those Saudi men who volunteered for Afghanistan and who later fought in Bosnia and Chechnya or trained in al-Qaeda camps has found that most were motivated, not by hatred of the west, but by the desire to help their Muslim brothers and sisters, in rather the same way as men from all over Europe left home in 1938 to fight the Fascists in Spain, and as Jews from all over the diaspora hastened to Israel at the beginning of the Six Day War in 1967. The welfare of the umma had always been a spiritual as well as a political concern in Islam, so the desperate plight of their fellow Muslims cut to the core of their religious identity. This 'pan-Islamist-emphasis' was also central to Bin Laden’s propaganda and, the 'martyr-videos' of the Saudis who took part in the 911 atrocity, show that they were influenced less by Wahhabism than by the pain and humiliation of the umma as a whole.
Like the Ikhwan, IS represents a rebellion against the official Wahhabism of modern Saudi Arabia. Its swords, covered faces and 'cut-throat-executions' all recall the original 'Brotherhood'. But it is unlikely that the Islamic State hordes consist entirely of 'die-hard-jihadists'. A substantial number are probably secularists who resent the status quo in Iraq, Ba’athists from Saddam Hussein’s regime and former soldiers of his disbanded army. This would explain Islamic State's strong performance against professional military forces. In all likelihood, few of the young recruits are motivated either by Wahhabism or by more traditional Muslim ideals. In 2008, MI5's behavioural science unit noted that, "Far from being religious zealots, a large number of those involved in terrorism do not practise their faith regularly. Many lack religious literacy and could be regarded as religious novices". A significant proportion of those convicted of terrorism offences since the 911 attacks have been 'non-observant', or are 'self-taught', or, like the gunman in the recent attack on the Canadian parliament, are converts to Islam. They may claim to be acting in the name of Islam, but when an untalented beginner tells us that he is playing a Beethoven sonata, we hear only cacophony. Two wannabe jihadists who set out from Birmingham for Syria last May had ordered 'Islam-for-Dummies' from Amazon.
It would be a mistake to see Islamic State as a throwback, it is, as the British philosopher John Gray has argued, a thoroughly modern movement that has become an efficient, 'self-financing-business' with assets estimated at $2Billion. Its looting, theft of gold bullion from banks, kidnapping, siphoning of oil in the conquered territories and extortion have made it the wealthiest jihadist group in the world. There is nothing random or irrational about Islamic State violence. The execution videos are carefully and strategically planned to inspire terror, deter dissent and sow chaos in the greater population.
Mass killing is a thoroughly modern phenomenon. During the French Revolution, which led to the emergence of the first secular state in Europe, the Jacobins publicly beheaded about 17,000 men, women and children. In the First World War, the Young Turks slaughtered over a million Armenians, including women, children and the elderly, to create a pure Turkic nation. The Soviet Bolsheviks, the Khmer Rouge and the Red Guard all used systematic terrorism to purge humanity of corruption. Similarly, Islamic State uses violence to achieve a single, limited and clearly defined, objective that would be impossible without such slaughter. As such, it is another expression of the dark side of modernity.
In 1922, as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk rose to power, he completed the Young Turks' racial purge by forcibly deporting all 'Greek-speaking-Christians' from Turkey. In 1925 he declared null and void the caliphate that Islamic State has vowed to reinstate. The caliphate had long been a dead letter, politically but, because it symbolised the unity of the umma and its link with the Prophet, Sunni Muslims mourned its loss as a spiritual and cultural trauma. Yet Islamic State's projected caliphate has no support among ulema internationally and is derided throughout the Muslim world. That said, the limitations of the nation state are becoming increasingly apparent in our world. This is especially true in the Middle East, which has no tradition of nationalism, and where the frontiers drawn by invaders were so arbitrary, that it was well nigh impossible to create a truly national spirit. Here, too, Islamic State is not simply harking back to a bygone age but is, however eccentrically, enunciating a modern concern.
The 'liberal-democratic-nation-state' developed in Europe in part to serve the Industrial Revolution, which made the ideals of the Enlightenment no longer noble aspirations but practical necessities. It is not ideal. Its Achilles heel has always been an inability to tolerate ethnic minorities, a failing responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. In other parts of the world where modernisation has developed differently, other polities may be more appropriate. So the liberal state is not an inevitable consequence of modernity. The attempt to produce democracy in Iraq using the colo­nial methods of invasion, subjugation and occupation, could only result in an unnatural birth, and so, Islamic State emerged from the resulting mayhem.
Islamic State may have overreached itself, its policies may not be sustainable and it faces determined opposition from Sunni and Shia Muslims alike. Interestingly, Saudi Arabia with its impressive 'counter-terrorist-resources', has already thwarted Islamic State attempts to launch a series of attacks in the kingdom and may be the only regional power capable of bringing it down. The shooting in Canada on the 22nd of October, where a Muslim convert killed a soldier at a war memorial, indicates that the 'blow-back' in the west has begun. To deal realistically with our situation, we need an informed understanding of the precise and limited role of Islam in the conflict, and to recognise that Islamic State is not an atavistic return to a primitive past, but in some real sense a product of modernity.

Karen Armstrong is the author of, FIELDS OF BLOOD: Religion and the History of Violence.


We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

T E Lawrence and Arabia. BBC documentary


Monday, November 9, 2015



The conduct and agenda of much of the Australian media, with respect to Schapelle Corby, is documented in a number of Expendable reports.
Regrettably, smears, fabrication, outright lies, and censorship, are self-evident all too often. 

In this Insider Interview, Col Chapman describes and discusses a number of extremely disturbing methods and approaches. He covers home bugging, phone hacking, GPS vehicle tracking, and even hidden surveillance cameras placed inside Kerobokan prison. He affirms that, even the most contemptuous of approaches, failed to link Schapelle Corby, or her family, with drug syndication. This, of course, reflects exactly the same findings by the police.

Mr. Chapman is a hugely experienced private investigator, and has worked with most of Australia’s mainstream media organs. He was employed intensively, and long term, on the Schapelle Corby case, and is able to provide what is probably the most authoritative insight into media activity and behaviour, with respect to this case.


Mr Chapman gave this interview in November 2011. He also approached the government's (Finkelstein) media inquriy, which was underway at the time, as confirmed by the following letter:

Unfortunately, this was to no avail. Little interest was shown, and he was offered no protection or substantive assistance. Mr Chapman also approached a number of other related parties, with similar results. Equally alarming, supporters of Schapelle Corby, and those perceived to be associated with The Expendable Project in Australia, were simultaneously subjected to legal and other threats, stemming from a variety of sources. This was despite them having no editorial capacity whatsoever, and no link to the publication unit in the United States.

The Expendable Project considers a number of these to have been vexatious and crude attempts to intimidate the project itself, via threats to clearly innocent citizens. Mr Chapman, himself aware of this sequence of events, subsequently sought to retract his statements. However, The Expendable Project obtained additional correspondence, demonstrating that he had also been approached by a third party. The Expendable Project holds a number of other materials regarding approaches to Mr Chapman. Given all these circumstances, The Expendable Project does not consider Mr Chapman's response to be without at least an element of duress.


In the following recordings, the names of a number of parties, including individuals acting in a representative capacity, have been omitted. These will be submitted to appropriate third party entities in due course, including international institutions, and are thus being managed as sub-judice for the present time.


If the videos below have been censored in your location, they can be viewed via another stream from this alternative web page.

For further information on the activities of the Australian media, including formal reports from the Expendable documentary, see; The Role Of The Media.

The following extract, from the Expendable documentary, explores the role of the state owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

The hostile and propagandistic output of the Australian media is without precedent in the history of Australian journalism. It has embraced smears, fabrications, outright lies, censorship and a ruthless campaign which has systematically managed the opinion of the Australian public. This has attracted commentary from a range of sources, including CIVIL LIBERTIES AUSTRALIA.

These questions are amongst those that have been repeatedly presented to Australian politicians over a number of years. They have been formally submitted to ministers, to government offices, and to most individual MPs and Senators, by a multitude of individuals. They have even been delivered as part of a collective petition, on behalf of thousands of citizens.
No response has ever been forthcoming, from any party.

(Full Documentary)
In May 2005, an innocent woman was sentenced to 20 years in an Indonesian prison, after 4.2 kg of marijuana had been found in her luggage on arrival in Bali. However, her fate had been determined not in Bali, but in Canberra.



Maj.Gen.DM Walking

Maj.Gen.DM.Walking: company.
International Freelance Media Correspondent.
Warriors For Corby Base Command.



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