If U.S. foreign policy isn't changed soon, the multinationals it serves may well lead to another world war, certainly wars in the Middle East. Maybe the Arctic, perhaps even against China in the pacific as the build-up continues.
The war games that the United States and NATO are currently 'playing' in the Arctic are escalating, though unreported and, now that Obama has put troops on the ground in Syria, we can see how that can get out of hand real quick.
That there are people in the shadows, in control of policy, should be more obvious but it isn't. Americans are fed a steady diet of patriotism, nationalism, Islamophobia, national security and everything in between that can be devised and used to sell war and an ever expanding military that we can ill-afford to begin with and not forgetting the legal and moral implications of policy, led by the owners of multinational corporations, the central banks, defence contractors and a multitude of others in this 'Cabal-Of-Evil' that President Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to warn us about all those years ago.
Well, it's a real threat now, in every way imaginable and we had better step up to plate before these sociopaths actually screw things up so badly, it cannot be fixed.
I can't help but think of all the religious crazies who do seem to have some influence and, should the current violence in the Middle East grow any worse with more countries becoming involved, you can bet that they will be cheering for war so Jesus will come back, or so they believe.
At times like this, we have enough crazy people to contend with and need no help from the evangelicals who can and do make such a noise already, that people listen to them and take them seriously. If a bomb were to fall on Israel during these currently tumultuous times, would they ever go nuts, since they really do believe that all of the countries of the world will attack Israel before Jesus returns. That this has not yet happened may be the only thing saving us, since they support Israel like its people 'really-are' God's favourites.
It would be funny if it were not so serious.
Perhaps God is just a real estate agent who loves some of his children more than others.

International Freelance Media Correspondent.
Warriors For Schapelle Corby Base Command.
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