We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.

We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\*|||.
No club to join, no leaders to obey!

Monday, August 31, 2015



[ WARRIOR NEWS ].///\\*|||.


AUGUST 31, 2015.

China and Russia are changing the financial architecture of the world, award-winning author, sociologist and geopolitical analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya emphasizes, recommending the Wall Street financial elite to focus on America's domestic problems instead of trying to undermine China's economy.

The rise of the yuan sends shivers down the spine of America's financial elite, fearing that the dollar's decline is just around the corner, Wall Street financiers are making vain attempts to damage the Chinese stock market and undermine investors' confidence in China's currency.

"The Chinese are in the process of displacing the monopoly of the US dollar. They are dropping their US Treasury bonds, stockpiling gold reserves, and opening regional distribution banks for their own national currency... This will give them easier access to capital markets and insulate them from financial manipulation by Washington and Wall Street," (award-winning author, sociologist and geopolitical analyst, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya) noted in his article for 'Strategic-Culture-Foundation'.

The US-led economic world order is being altered by China and Russia, which are so far directly challenging the monopoly of the Washington-influenced Bretton Woods system.

At the same time, the EU banks and governments find the Chinese currency very attractive due to its stability.

Thus far, Washington and Wall Street have launched a financial war against Beijing and Moscow... "Using speculation as a psychological weapon and market manipulation, the US launched a financial strike against the Chinese... This was done through an attempt to sink or crash the Chinese stock market and hurt investor confidence in the Chinese economy and its stocks.

Beijing, however, reacted quickly by imposing controls on investment withdrawals... This prevented the snowballing of stock sell-offs and defused the US financial bomb," Nazemroaya emphasized.

The author narrated that as the price of the yuan began to rise, China started the quantitative easing procedure in order to devalue its currency and boost export trade, turning a deaf ear to Washington's objections.

The US Congress and White House accused Beijing of 'financial-manipulation'... But the truth of the matter is that the US financial elite wanted the Chinese to let the yuan rise thus far ruining the country's economy.

"As US financial institutions began trying to hurt investor confidence in China through psychological tactics claiming that the Chinese economy was slowing down and that the Chinese market was in free fall, Beijing announced that it had bought 600 tons of gold in the span of a month and the People's Bank of China had got rid of over 17 billion US dollars from its foreign exchange reserves", the author elaborated.

"Push China and it will push back", Nazemroaya stressed.
Citing Zero Hedge, a financial market webpage, he pointed out that China has been aggressively selling its US Treasury bonds to the tune of $107 billion, triggering fears that the move could hit the US economy heavily.

US journalist Alex Newman wrote:
(August 31, 2015)... "Beijing, of course, is the largest foreign holder of US Treasury debt, estimated at close to $1.5 trillion... Part of that is held in custodial accounts in Europe... So, if the regime were to suddenly start dumping that debt, the effect could be cataclysmic for the US economy".

It is worth mentioning that not everything is rosy in the garden of the US economy:

America's stock market downturn on August 24, 2015 has indicated that clearly.

"Many blamed the crash on China's recent currency devaluation... It is true that the crash was caused by a flawed monetary policy... However, the fault lies not with China's central bank but with the US Federal Reserve... The Federal Reserve's inflationary policies distort the economy, creating bubbles, which in turn create a booming stock market and the illusion of widespread prosperity... Inevitably, the bubble bursts, the market crashes, and the economy sinks into a recession", former American congressman Dr. Ron Paul.

Nazemroaya said... "Instead of waging financial wars against China, Washington and Wall Street should be focused on the US' own domestic problems, despite the wishes of Wall Street and Washington, the Silk World Order is moving forward."


Join ISIS strikes & you’ll solve your migrant problems


[ WARRIOR NEWS ].///\\*|||.

Australia tells Europe: Join ISIS strikes & you’ll solve your migrant problems

AUGUST 31, 2015.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has called for more European countries to join air-strikes against Islamic State, claiming that bombing will relieve the refugee crisis.

Australia has not agreed to a US request to expand its own operations against jihadists into Syria, however.

Bishop said that 40 percent of refugees trying to enter Europe are coming from Syria, suggesting that additional strikes would help reduce that number.

"There's more countries can do in terms of supporting the air-strikes which are proving effective in stopping Daesh, (Islamic State), from claiming territory off sovereign governments", Bishop said.

"The crisis that is unfolding in Europe will focus their attention. This humanitarian crisis is unprecedented, she added, referring to the number of asylum seekers from the Middle East... It will focus their attention on trying to resolve the situation at its source and that will include a military and political solution in both Syria and Iraq".

Meanwhile, Australia is still mulling an American request to expand the country’s military operations against 'Islamic-State', previously known as 'Isis' then as 'Isil', from Iraq into Syria.

Countries involved in the US-led air-strikes against the isis jihadists include... Australia, Denmark, Canada, France, Jordan, Netherlands, the UK, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Australia maintains that strikes are an effective way to fight isis...

"The group has lost more than 7,000 fighters and leaders over the past year, which reduced the organization’s overall effectiveness", the head of Australia’s Defence Force said earlier in August.

However, critics have been speaking out against this approach, pointing to the fact that isis recruitment is still on the rise as sympathisers flock to join the terror group.

A total of 20,000 foreign fighters from around the world were in Syria and Iraq as of February, including 3,400 estimated to have come from Western nations, US intelligence officials say.

In March, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said this figure could rise, with as many as 10,000 Europeans joining isis by the end of 2015....

"There are 3,000 Europeans in Iraq and Syria today... When you do a projection for the months to come, there could be 5,000 before summer and 10,000 before the end of the year", Valls said.

Aside from the success of isis recruitment, many anti-war activists have doubts that bombing isis positions could help to resolve the problem of refugees in the 'EU'.

The 'UK-based-Stop-the-War-Coalition' said in August... "The UK government’s military campaign against Islamic State is going nowhere".

"Hundreds of civilians are being killed... This is only going to increase the anger felt by locals toward Britain and other coalition countries", (Stop the War Coalition’s national officer), Chris Nineham, told the Morning Star newspaper.

"What we know is that if America didn’t invade Iraq in 2003 probably we wouldn’t have isis or al-qaeda in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East now", Khaled El Shami, (political editor of al-Quds newspaper), told RT’s In The Now... Airstrikes are not going to solve the problem... A guerilla war can never be won by air-strikes... Yes, isis was contained in Syria and Iraq but it is expanding actually in Libya at the moment, and I don’t believe the US is doing enough to beat isis or to achieve a clear victory there".

Civilian deaths from the airstrikes have been rising:

Airwars, a non-profit organization that tracks the international air-strikes against isis, said... "At least 459 civilians were killed by the 'US-led' coalition’s bombing of supposed isis positions".

To date, the coalition has launched more than 5,800 air-strikes in both Iraq and Syria.




[ WARRIOR NEWS ].///\\*|||.


AUGUST 26, 2015.

We reported in 2012 that the U.S. supported Al Qaeda in Libya in its effort to topple Gadafi: (sott.net)

The U.S. supported opposition which overthrew Libya's Gadaffi was largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists. 

According to a 2007 report by 'West-Point's-Combating-Terrorism-Centre', (...The Libyan city of Benghazi was one of Al Qaeda's main headquarters and bases for sending Al Qaeda fighters into Iraq prior to the overthrow of Gaddafi.)

The Hindustan Times reported last year:

"There is no question that al Qaeda's Libyan franchise,
'Libyan-Islamic-Fighting-Group', is a part of the opposition", Bruce Riedel, former CIA officer and a leading expert on terrorism, told Hindustan Times. 

It has always been Qaddafi's biggest enemy and its stronghold is Benghazi. 

Al Qaeda is now largely in control of Libya... Indeed, Al Qaeda flags were flown over the Benghazi courthouse once Gaddafi was toppled.

Incidentally, Gaddafi was on the verge of invading Benghazi in 2011,
4 years after the West Point report cited Benghazi as a hotbed of Al Qaeda terrorists... Gaddafi claimed, rightly so as it turns out, that Benghazi was an Al Qaeda stronghold and a main source of the Libyan rebellion.


The Daily Mail reported April 23, 2014.

A self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier. 

"The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures", Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline. 

She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked-militants.

                                               Former CIA officer Clare Lopez

"Remember, these weapons that came into Benghazi were permitted to enter by our armed forces who were blockading the approaches from air and sea... They were permitted to come in... They knew these weapons were coming in, and that was allowed... The intelligence community was part of that, the Department of State was part of that, and certainly that means that the top leadership of the United States, our national security leadership, and potentially Congress, if they were briefed on this, also knew about this... The White House and senior Congressional members... The group wrote in an interim report released Tuesday... (...deliberately and knowingly pursued a policy that provided material support to terrorist organizations in order to topple a ruler), Muammar Gaddafi, who had been working closely with the West, actively, to suppress al-Qaeda", Clare Lopez.

"Some look at it as treason", said Wayne Simmons, a former CIA officer who participated in the commission's research.


The U.S. 'switched-sides' and is supporting our arch enemy Al Qaeda. 

Specifically, the 'Benghazi-embassy' became the CIA headquarters for transferring, after Gaddafi fell, weapons in Libya, to the 'Syrian-Al-Qaeda-rebels', as confirmed by Pulitzer prize winning reporter: Seymour Hersh.


By 2010, guided by Gaddafi's vision for a strong and unified continent, it had become the the jewel of Africa.

The people received free education, with every citizen owning their own home and vehicle.

Basic human rights were, for the most part, universally honoured... It was, by any standards, one of the most successful social experiments the modern world has seen.

It still puts the West to shame... Its ongoing, barbaric destruction is one more heinous crime against humanity committed by NATO.




[ WARRIOR NEWS ].///\\*|||.

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G'day viewer.

In recent years, the mere notion of the conspiracy theory has increasingly been stigmatised and ridiculed by mainstream news outlets, internet trolls, and 'rational-thinkers'... Yet, with powerful revelations by Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks, and generations of intrepid journalists, we now know that many outlandish geopolitical and domestic 'conspiracy-theories' were and are 'cold-blooded-truths' of the modern world.

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The Gulf of Tonkin incident, a major escalator of US involvement in the Vietnam War, never actually occurred, it’s true.

The original incident, also sometimes referred to as the 'USS-Maddox-Incident', involved the destroyer USS Maddox supposedly engaging three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats as part of an intelligence patrol... The Maddox fired almost 300 shells.

President Lyndon B. Johnson promptly drafted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which became his administration’s legal justification for military involvement in Vietnam... The problem is, the event never happened.

In 2005, a declassified internal National Security Agency study revealed that there were no North Vietnamese naval vessels present during the incident... So, what was the Maddox firing at?

In 1965, President Johnson commented... "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there".

Worth pointing out, the NSA’s own historian, Robert J. Hanyok, wrote a report stating that the agency had deliberately distorted intelligence reports in 1964... He concluded.. The parallels between the faulty intelligence on Tonkin Gulf and the manipulated intelligence used to justify the Iraq War make it all the more worthwhile to re-examine the events of August 1964.


Between 1932 and 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted a clinical study on rural African American men who had contracted syphilis... The Public Health Service never informed these men they had a sexually transmitted disease, nor did they offer treatment, even after penicillin became available as a cure in the 1940's.

Tragically, it’s true... Rather than receiving treatment, the subjects of these studies were told they had 'bad-blood'.

When World War II began, 250 of the men registered for the draft and were only then, for the first time, informed they had syphilis... Even then, the PHS denied them treatment.

By the early 1970's, 128 of the original 399 men had died of syphilis and 'syphilis-related-complications', 40 of their wives had the disease and 19 of their children were born with 'congenital-syphilis'.

Worth pointing out... A similar experiment conducted on 'prisoners', 'soldiers', and 'patients' of a 'mental-hospital' in 'Guatemala' actually involved the 'PHS' deliberately infecting the patients and then treating them with antibiotics.


The CIA ran secret mind control experiments on US citizens from the 1950's until 1973.

It’s so true that in 1995 President Clinton actually issued a formal apology on behalf of the US government.

Essentially, the CIA used 'drugs', 'electronics', 'hypnosis', 'sensory-deprivation', 'verbal-and-sexual-abuse', and 'torture' to conduct experimental behavioural engineering experiments on the subjects... The program subcontracted hundreds of these projects to over 80 different institutions, including 'universities', 'hospitals', 'prisons', and 'pharmaceutical-companies'.

Most of this was uncovered in 1977 when a Freedom of Information Act exposed 20,000 previously classified documents and triggered a series of Senate hearings.

Because CIA Director Richard Helms had most of the more damning MKULTRA files destroyed in 1973, much of what actually occurred during these experiments is still unknown and, of course, not a single person was brought to justice.

                                                    Richard Helms

Worth pointing out... There is growing evidence that 'Theodore-Kaczynski', otherwise known as the 'Unabomber', was a subject of 'Project-MK-Ultra' while he was at Harvard in the late 1950's.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military drew up and approved plans to create acts of terrorism on US soil in order to sway the American public into supporting a war against Cuba.

It’s true and the documents are out there.

Fortunately, President Kennedy rejected the plan, which included innocent Americans being shot dead on the streets, boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba, to be sunk on the high seas, a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere, people being framed for bombings they did not commit, and planes being hijacked.

Additionally, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, planned to fabricate evidence that would implicate Fidel Castro and Cuban refugees as the perpetrators of the attacks.

Perhaps most horrifyingly, Lemnitzer planned for an elaborately staged incident whereby a Cuban aircraft would attack and shoot down a plane full of college students.


During the 1980's, the CIA facilitated the sale of cocaine to the 'Crips' and 'Bloods' street gangs of 'Los-Angeles' and funnelled millions in drug profits to a Latin American 'guerrilla-army'.

It’s convoluted and complex, but it’s true.

Gary Webb’s book Dark Alliance... The 'CIA', the 'Contras', and the 'Crack-Cocaine-Explosion' outlines how 'CIA-backed-Contras' smuggled cocaine into the U.S. and then distributed crack to Los Angeles gangs, pocketing the profits... The CIA directly aided the drug dealers to raise money for the Contras.

"This drug network, Webb wrote in a 1996 San Jose Mercury News article, opened the first pipeline between Colombia’s cocaine cartels and the black neighbourhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the 'crack-capital-of-the-world'... The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons".

Worth pointing out... On December 10, 2004, Webb committed suicide under suspicious circumstances, namely the fact that he used 'two-bullets' to shoot himself in the head.


In the late 1940's, as the Cold War was just getting under way, the CIA launched a top secret project called 'Operation-Mockingbird'... Their goal was to buy influence and control among the major media outlets... They also planned to put journalists and reporters directly on the CIA payroll, which some claim is ongoing to this day.

The architects of this plan were 'Frank-Wisner', 'Allen-Dulles', 'Richard-Helms', and 'Philip-Graham', publisher of The Washington Post, who planned to enlist American news organizations and journalists to basically become 'spies' and 'propagandists'.

Their list of entrenched agents eventually included journalists from #ABC, #NBC, #CBS, #Time, #Newsweek, #AssociatedPress, #UnitedPressInternational (#UPI), #Reuters, #HearstNewspapers, #Scripps_Howard, and #CopleyNewsService... By the 1950's, the CIA had infiltrated the nation’s 'businesses', 'media', and 'universities' with tens of thousands of 'on-call-operatives'.

Fortunately, our media is no longer lured in by corporations and governments to disseminate propaganda and disinformation... Right?


COINTELPRO was a series of clandestine, illegal FBI projects that infiltrated domestic political organizations to discredit and smear them... This included critics of the Vietnam War, civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King and a wide variety of activists and journalists.

The acts committed against them included 'psychological-warfare', 'slander' using 'forged-documents' and 'false-reports-in-the-media', 'harassment', 'wrongful-imprisonment' and, according to some, 'intimidation' and possibly 'violence' and 'assassination'.

Similar and possibly more sophisticated tactics are still used today, including NSA monitoring... (see #10).


Operation Snow White is the name given to an unprecedented infiltration of the US government by the 'Church-of-Scientology' during the 1970's... They stole classified government files regarding Scientology from dozens of government agencies.

In 1977, the FBI finally cracked Snow White open which led to the arrest and imprisonment of a senior Church official.

The core mission of the program was to expose and legally expunge all false and secret files of the nations of operating areas and to enable Church seniors and L. Ron Hubbard himself to frequent all Western nations without threat.

By the end, of course, there was nothing legal about their endeavours.


For years, activists who feared a sinister globalist corporatocracy were told they were being paranoid.

Whether you want to call it the New World Order or not, they were right.

In 2013, WikiLeaks released the secretly negotiated draft text for the entire #TransPacificPartnership Intellectual Property Rights Chapter... It revealed a 'closed-door' regional free trade agreement being negotiated by countries in the 'Asia-Pacific-region', including #Australia, #Brunei #Darussalam, #Canada, #Chile, #Japan, #Malaysia, #Mexico, #NewZealand, #Peru, #Singapore, the #UnitedStates, and #Vietnam.

The #ElectronicFrontierFoundation says the #TPP has 'extensive-negative-ramifications' for users’ freedom of speech, right to privacy and due process, and will hinder peoples’ abilities to innovate.

Worth pointing out... In June 2014, WikiLeaks revealed the even more 'far-reaching' 'Trade-in-Services-Agreement' (#TiSA), a '50-country-agreement' that will promote unprecedented levels of privatisation across the world.

The agreement will essentially prevent governments from returning public services into public hands... This could dramatically affect our ability to enact environmental regulations and keep workers safe.


This used to be laughed at as a 'dystopian-fantasy' derived from an 'overactive-imagination', Orwell’s 1984, and a juvenile distrust of the government... When you claimed 'they' were spying on you, people labelled you a 'paranoid-conspiracy-theorist', a 'tinfoil-hat-wearing-loon'.

Even after it was revealed that the NSA has been illegally eavesdropping on us and collecting our cell phone metadata for over a decade, people still hedged on the meaning of it... Yes, they are analysing our transmissions, but it’s under the auspices of national security... In a post 9/11 world certain liberties must be sacrificed for the sake of security... Right?

It turns out that is patently untrue... Not only is there no evidence that the NSA has protected us from terrorism, there is growing evidence that it makes us more vulnerable... Thanks to revelations about the NSA and their 'Prism-project', we know that the scope of the NSA’s eavesdropping is even beyond what we originally believed.

In early June of 2014, the Washington Post reported that almost 90% of the data being collected by NSA surveillance programs is from Internet users with no connection to terrorist activities... According to the 'American-Civil-Liberties-Union', this is in clear violation of the constitution.

The #ACLU is pursuing a lawsuit against the NSA, claiming that the 'dragnet-style' mass collection of data violates the Fourth Amendment right of privacy as well as the First Amendment rights of free speech and association. <source>


Sunday, August 30, 2015



[ WARRIOR NEWS ].///\\*|||.


We Are Anonymous - Resistance Legion.///\\.

Maj.Gen.Deadman Walking:1stBadmoon.

G'day viewers.


The origin of the Jolly Roger begins with the tale of Baldwin, as recounted by Walter Mapp, in the twelfth century AD.

Although the story at this time is not connected with the Templar Knights, at the time of their trials 1307-1314, it was well woven into the Templar legend... In fact it was called upon during the actual trials of the Templars.

According to the legend, this anonymous 'Lord-of-Sidon' was in love with a 'great-lady-of-Maraclea'... Marash in Cilician Armenia.[1]

Baldwin married 'Arda-of-Armenia', from the Rubinian 'Royal-House-of-Armenia', founded by her grandfather, 'Ruben-of-Cilicia'.

Ruben was descended from a daughter of 'I-Buzir-Khagan' of the #Khazars and 'Priset', who married 'Constantin-II' of 'Abkhazia'.[2]

                                                        A Seljuk Turk

Armenia had became vulnerable to the 'Seljuk-Turks', under 'Alp-Arslan', in the latter half of the eleventh century AD... To escape death or servitude 'Gagik-II', King of Armenia, and his son, named 'Ruben-I', with some of his countrymen, went into the gorges of the 'Taurus-Mountains', and then into 'Tarsus-of-Cilicia', where they were given shelter by the local Byzantine governor.

Soon after, the members of the first Crusade appeared in Asia Minor... Baldwin, who along with the rest of the Crusaders, was passing through Asia Minor, bound for Jerusalem, left the army, and was adopted by 'Thoros-of-Edessa', Ruben’s grandson... Being enemies to both the 'Seljuk-Turks', and the 'Byzantines', the 'Armenians' readily accepted the rule of 'Baldwin', who was made ruler of the new crusader County of 'Edessa', when 'Thoros' was assassinated.

It seems that, in general, the Armenians enjoyed the rule of Baldwin, and a number of them fought alongside the crusaders... When Antioch was taken in 1097 AD, Constantine, Thoros’ father, received from the crusaders the title of baron.

According to Walter Mapp, Baldwin’s wife would have died suddenly... On the night of her burial, he supposedly crept to her grave, dug up her body and violated it...

Then a voice from beyond ordered him to return nine months later, when he would find a son...

He returned at the appointed time, opened the grave again, and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton... a 'skull-and-crossbones'.

The same voice then apparently commanded him to guard it well, for it would be the 'giver-of-all-good-things'.

So he carried it away with him... It became his protecting genius, and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head... In due course, it passed to the possession of the order.

The inquisitors would have picked up on the fact that the woman of the piece was Armenian by background... This they would have connected with the Armenian Church and its 'Paulician-sects'.

The 'Paulicians' and the 'Bogomils' were practitioners of 'Catharism' which the church had all but wiped out during the 'Albigensian-Crusade'...

Since the church believed the Cathari to be practitioners of the 'Black-Mass' and 'necromancy', the woman’s Armenian background would make the story guilty by association.[3]

In 1113, Baldwin then married 'Adelaide-del-Vasto'... Under the marriage agreement, if Baldwin and Adelaide had no children, the heir to the kingdom of Jerusalem would be 'Roger-II-of-Sicily', Adelaide’s son by her first husband 'Roger-I-Guiscard'.

This Roger was to become the 'Jolly-Roger' of history, having flown the 'skull-and-crossbones' on his ships.[4]

Roger married 'Elvira', daughter of 'Alfonso-VI-of-Castile' and his 'Ismaili' wife, 'Zaida'.


Within a century, the heirs of the Rubenid dynasty were further rewarded by the grant of a kingdom known as 'Cilicia' or 'Lesser-Armenia', to be held as a vassal government of the 'Holy-See' and of 'Germany'.

This kingdom lasted until 1375 AD, when the 'Mamelukes-of-Egypt' destroyed it.[5]

Continuing intermarriage between the aristocracy and the 'Templars' produced the influential 'house-of-Lusignan'.

The 'lords-of-Lusignan' were 'counts-of-La-Marche'... The province of France called 'Marche' was originally a small border district, partly of 'Limousin' and partly of 'Poitou'.

Marche first appeared as a separate fief about the middle of the tenth century when 'William-III', 'duke-of-Aquitaine', gave it to one of his vassals named 'Boso', the great-grandson of 'Bernard-Plantevelue', who had married 'Constance of Arles' and Vienna.[6]

In the twelfth century it passed to the family of Lusignan, in Poitou, at that time a part of the French duchy of Aquitaine, held by 'Queen-Eleanor-of-England', her third son 'Richard', and her husband the 'English-king-Henry-II'.

The Lusignans were among the French nobles who made great careers in the Crusades... The family originated at the 'Château-de-Lusignan', near 'Poitiers', a 'château-fort' that is still the largest castle in France.

According to legend the earliest castle was built by the folklore 'water-spirit-Melusine'... 'Melusine' was 'Melusinde', the daughter of 'Baldwin-II' and 'Morphia-of-Armenia', who married 'Fulk-IV-of-Anjou'.

As recounted by Jean d'Arras, in the 'Roman-de-Mélusine', written in the fourteenth century, the King of Albany, meaning Scotland, went hunting one day and came across a beautiful lady in the forest, named 'Pressyne'... He persuaded her to marry him but she agreed, only on the promise, that he must not enter her chamber when she birthed or bathed her children... She gave birth to triplets... When he violated this taboo, 'Pressyne' left the kingdom, together with her three daughters, and travelled to the 'lost-Isle-of-Avalon'.

On her fifteenth birthday, 'Melusina', the eldest, asked why they had been taken to Avalon... Upon hearing of their father’s broken promise, she sought revenge... She and her sisters captured 'Elynas' and locked him in a mountain... 'Pressyne' became enraged, and 'Melusine' was condemned to take the form of a serpent from the waist down, until she should meet a man who would marry her under the condition of never seeing her on a Saturday.

'Melusina' now went roaming through the world in search of the man who was to deliver her... She passed through the 'Black-Forest', and that of 'Ardennes', and at last she arrived in the forest of 'Poitou'... Just as her mother had done, she laid a condition, that he must never enter her chamber on a Saturday, an allusion to the witches Sabbath.

He broke the promise and saw her in the form of a 'part-woman-part-serpent'... She forgave him... Only when, during a disagreement with her, he called her a 'serpent' in front of his court, did she assume the form of a dragon, provide him with two magic rings and fly off, never to return.[7]

'The-House-of-Lusignan' were descended from 'Herbert-of-Thoüars', who lived from 940 to 988... His great-grandson was 'Hugh-V-of-Lusignan', who married 'Almodie-de-la-Marche'.

Almodie has also been married to 'Pons-III-Taillefer-Count-of-Toulouse', through whom she had two sons, 'Raymond-IV-of-Toulouse', and 'William-IV-of-Toulouse', whose daughter 'Philippa' married 'William-IX' the 'Troubadour-Duke-of-Aquitaine'... Their grandson, 'Hugh-VII-of-Lusignan' married 'Sarazin-of-Armenia'... They had two children, 'Aimee-of-Lusignan' and 'Hugh-VIII'...
A 'Templar-Knight'.[8]

'Hugh-VIII-(le Brun)-Count-of-Lusignan' was succeeded by three sons, 'Hughes', 'Guy' and 'Amalric-of-Lusignan', who arrived in Jerusalem in the 1170's.

Guy became 'King-of-Jerusalem' through his marriage to 'Sybilla', 'Queen-of-Jerusalem', the daughter of 'Amalric-I-King-of-Jerusalem', the son of 'Fulk-V'.

After he had been married to his first wife, through whom he fathered 'Georffrey-Plantagenet', 'Fulk-V' then married 'Milesende', the daughter of 'Baldwin-II-King-of-Jerusalem'.

A Templar, 'Baldwin-II' married 'Morfia-of-Armenia', the sister of 'Toros' and granddaughter of 'Constantine-Rubenid'.

'Baldwin-II' was on the First Crusade, with 'Geoffrey-de-Bouillon', between August 1096 and July 1099... He was named 'count-of-Edessa' by 'Baldwin-I' when the latter became king of Jerusalem in 1100.[9]

Sybilla’s mother was 'Agnes-de-Courtenay', 'Princess-of-Sidon', granddaughter of 'Templar-Joscelin-I-comte-d’Edessa', and 'Beatrice-Rupenid', daughter of 'Constantine-I-Rupenid'.

Guy de Lusignan’s term as king is generally seen as a disaster... He was defeated by 'Saladin' at the 'Battle-of-Hattin' in 1187, and was imprisoned in Damascus as Saladin reconquered almost the entire kingdom.

Upon his release, his claim to the kingship was ignored, and when Sibylla died at the 'Siege-of-Acre' in 1191, he no longer had any legal right to it... 'Richard', now king of England and a leader of the 'Third-Crusade', supported Guy’s claim, but in the aftermath of the crusade 'Conrad-of-Montferrat' had the support of the majority of nobles.

Richard then had Conrad assassinated by a team of 'Ismaili-Assassins'.[10]

The heiress of Jerusalem was then 'Isabella-of-Jerusalem', Queen Sibylla’s 'half-sister'... Isabella was also the daughter of 'Almaric-I-King-of-Jerusalem', but from 'Maria-Komnena', the granddaughter of 'Alexius-I-Byzantine-Emperor'.

Eight days after the death of Conrad, she was married to 'Henry-II-of-Champagne', the son of Richard’s step-daughter, 'Marie-de-France', daughter of 'Eleanor-of-Aquitaine' and 'Louis-VII-King-of-France'.

Instead, Richard sold Guy the island of Cyprus, which he had conquered on his way to Acre... Guy thereby became the first Latin lord of Cyprus... 'Amalric' succeeded Guy in Cyprus, and also became 'King-of-Jerusalem' in 1197.

When 'Henry-II-de-Champagne' died in the same year, when a balcony gave way or he fell out of a window, 'Queen-Isabella' then married 'Almaric'... 'Sybille', the daughter of Isabella and Almaric, then married 'Leo-II', the son of 'Stephen-I-of-Armenia', the nephew of 'Thoros'.[11]

Their union began a series of reciprocal marriages as a result of which the succession of Lesser Armenia actually passes to the Lusignan, which lasted until 1375 AD, when the Mamelukes of Egypt destroyed it.


The male line of the 'Lusignans-in-the-Levant' died out in 1267 with 'Hugh-II' of Cyprus, 'Amalric’s-great-grandson', though the male line 'continued-in-France' until 1307... At that point, 'Hugh-of-Antioch', whose maternal grandfather had been 'Almaric’s-son', 'Hugh-I-of-Cyprus', took the name 'Lusignan', thus founding the second 'House-of-Lusignan', and managed to succeed his deceased cousin as 'Hugh-III-King-of-Cyprus'.

Hugh III’s mother was the granddaughter of Amalric, and his father was 'Henry-I-of-Antioch'... Henry was the grandson of 'Bohemund-III-of-Antioch', whose father was 'Raymond-I-of-Poitiers', the son of 'William-IX-the-Troubadour-of-Aquitaine', and whose mother was 'Constance-of-Antioch', daughter of 'Bohemond-II-Guiscard-prince-of-Antioch', and 'Alix-de-Rethel', another daughter of 'Baldwin-II' and 'Morphia-of-Armenia'.

These new Lusignans remained in control of Cyprus until 1489... They were rulers of Jerusalem, or more accurately, 'Acre', from 1268 until the fall of the city in 1291... Also after 1291 the Lusignans continued to claim the lost Jerusalem, and occasionally attempted to organise crusades to recapture territory on the mainland... The Lusignans also intermarried with the royal families of the 'Principality-of-Antioch' and the 'Armenian-Kingdom-of-Cilicia'.

Hugh III’s second son, 'Henri-II' recovered possession of Acre, and in 1286 was crowned king of Jerusalem at Tyre.

The stronghold of Acre from the time of its capture by Richard, to its final conquest by the Muslims, formed for two hundred years, the base of the crusading empire in Palestine.

Head-quartered there were both the orders of the 'Templars' and the 'Hospitallers'... In 1291, the Muslims attacked Acre with an army of 200,000 men... Of the Templars, including their 'Grand-Master', only ten escaped out of five hundred knights... 'Henry-II', the patriarch, and the Grand Master of the 'Hospitallers', along with the few survivors, escaped back to Cyprus.

However, on their return to Cyprus, the Templars conspired to place Henry II’s brother 'Almaric-Prince-of-Tyre', on the throne... Henry II was sent into confinement in Armenia... But, it was at this time, in 1306, under pressure from 'Phillip-IV-king-of-France', that the 'Pope' summoned 'Jacques-de-Molay', the 'Grand-Master', from Cyprus to answer the charges of heresy.

In 1308, Almaric received letters from the Pope directing him to arrest all the Templars in Cyprus... Their property was handed over to the Hospitallers, and after the assassination of Almaric, they supported Henri II’s return to the throne of Cyprus.

Therefore, the arrest of the 'Templars' seems merely to have been a pretext to transfer their property to the 'Hospitallers'.

The nobility of Europe had been calling for a unification of the orders of the Templars and the Hospitallers, but 'Jacques-de-Molay' was resisting the move.

Following the fall of Acre, 'Phillip-IV-of-France' was calling for a renewed Crusade, de Molay again refused participation... 'Phillip-IV' himself shared, not only the lineage of the 'Guilhemids', but that of the various houses 'Aragon', 'Sicily' and 'Castille', that traced their descent to the 'Piasts' and 'Arpads'... 'Phillip-IV' own mother was Isabel, 'Princess-of-Aragon', the daughter of 'James-I-of-Aragon' and 'Iolande-of-Hungary', granddaughter of 'Bela-III'.

Bela III was descended from Vasul, the son of 'Michael-Arpad' and 'Adelaide' the daughter of 'Mieszko' and 'Dubrawka'... 'Vasul' married 'Katun-Kometopoulos', the daughter of 'Samuil', the 'Bogomil-King-of-Bulgaria'.

'Bela-III' married 'Agnes-of-Chatillon', the granddaughter of 'Bohemund-II-Prince-of-Antioch', and 'Alice', daughter of 'Baldwin-II' and 'Morphia-of-Armenia'... Bela III’s granddaughter, 'Yolande-Arpad', married 'James-I-King-of-Aragon'.

When James’ father was slain when he took up arms against the 'Albigensian-crusade' on behalf of the 'Cathars', James had been entrusted to 'Guillen-de-Monredon', head of the 'Templars' in 'Spain' and 'Provence'.[12]

On his father’s side, 'Phillip-IV' was descended from 'Alfonso-VIII-of-Galicia', 'Leon' and 'Castile', and 'Richeza-of-Poland', the daughter of 'Wladislaw-II-of-Poland', a descendant of 'Mieszko-I' and 'Dubrawka'.

'Alfonso-VIII', grandson of 'Alfonso-VII', married 'Eleanor-of-Anjou', daughter of 'Henry-II-of-England' and 'Eleanor-of-Aquitaine'... Their daughter, 'Blanche-of-Castile', married 'Louis-VIII-King-of-France'... Their sons were 'Louis-IX-King-of-France', and 'Charles-I-King-of-Jerusalem-and-Sicily'... A Templar.

'Louis-IX' son, 'Phillip-III', was the father of 'Phillip-IV'.

In 1309, after over two years of campaigning, the 'Hospitallers' captured the island of Rhodes, and were then known as the 'Knights-of-Rhodes'... They were eventually forced from there by the 'Ottoman-Turks', and then settled in 'Malta', after which they were renamed as the 'Knights-of-Malta'.

                                          THE ORDER OF THE GARTER:

                                                      "Edward III of England"

Again, in England, the property of the Templars was also transferred to the Knights Hospitallers, by 'King-Edward-II', the son-in-law of 'Phillip-IV'.

Edward II was married to Phillip IV’s daughter, 'Isabella-of-France'... But Edward II initially refused to implement the papal order enforced by his 'father-in-law'.

Between October 13, 1307 and January 8, 1308 the Templars went unmolested in England.

During this period many fugitive Templars, seeking to escape torture and execution, fled to apparent safety there... Although, after the intercession of 'Pope-Clement-V', King Edward ordered the seizure of members of the order in England on January 8, 1308... Only handfuls of Templars were duly arrested however... Most Templars in England, as well as elsewhere outside France, escaped arrest, torture and execution.[13]

Rather, the traditions of the Templars seems to have taken on a new guise, under the 'Order-of-the-Garter', founded by Edward II’s son, 'Edward-III-King-of-England'.

Edward III himself married 'Philippa-of-Avesne', who was descended from Louis IX’s brother, 'Charles-I-of-Anjou'.

Charles I was the father of 'Charles-II-King-of-Jerusalem' and 'Sicily', who married 'Maria-of-Hungary'.... Their daughter, 'Margaret-of-Sicily', then married Philip IV’s brother, 'Charles-III-of-Valois'... Their daughter, 'Jeanne-de-Valois' was Philipa’s mother.

The inspiration for the order, founded in 1348,
as a 'society', 'fellowship' and 'college-of-knights' was King Arthur and the Round Table... Various legends have been described to explain the origin of the Order... The most popular legend involves the 'Countess-of-Salisbury', possibly Edward’s cousin, 'Joan-of-Kent'.

While the Countess was dancing with or near Edward at Eltham Palace, her garter is said to have slipped from her leg to the floor... When the surrounding courtiers snickered, the king supposedly picked it up and tied it to his own leg, exclaiming 'Honi-soit-qui-mal-y-pense', meaning 'evil-upon-he-who-thinks-it'.

This phrase has become the motto of the Order of the Garter.

As historian Margaret Murray pointed out, the garter is an emblem of witchcraft... Garters are worn in various rituals as magical properties and are also used as badges of rank... The garter is considered the ancient emblem of the high priestess... In some traditions a high priestess who becomes 'Queen-Witch' over more than one coven adds a silver buckle to her garter for each coven under her.

According to Murray, the importance of the lace or string among the witches was very great as it was the insignia of rank... The usual place to carry it on the person was round the leg where it served as a garter... The beliefs of modern France give the clue as to its importance... According to traditions still current, there is a fixed number of witches in each canton, of whom the chief wears the garter in token of his, or her high position, the right of becoming chief is said to go by seniority... In 'Haute-Bretagne' a man who makes a pact with the Devil has a red garter.[14]

Margaret Murray believes that all the 'Plantagenets' were witches... She said Edward III founded two covens... As the story is understood, Edward did not wish to have the people think that the Countess was a witch.

The incident about the Countess of Salisbury’s blue garter is significant since it was a symbol of witchcraft... Edward III's actions were to let 'Lady-Salisbury' know that her secret of her 'witch-hood' was safe with him, because he himself was a priest of a coven.

According to another legend, 'King-Richard-the-Lionhearted' was inspired in the twelfth century by 'St-George-the-Martyr' while fighting in the Crusades to tie garters around the legs of his knights, who subsequently won the battle... King Edward III supposedly recalled the event in the fourteenth century when he founded the Order.

St. George, the patron saint of England, Georgia and Moscow, the origin of the knightly rescuing of a maiden from a dragon... St. George was a soldier of the 'Roman-Empire' who later became a 'Christian-martyr'... The traditional account of his life is considered to have originated in the fourth century... George was a 'Cappadocian', was born in 'Cilicia', and his mother was from 'Lydda', Palestine.

According to the legend, a dragon was threatening a town in Libya, and the people were forced to sacrifice their sheep to appease it.

However, when their sheep ran out, they starting sacrificing their children, chosen by means of a lottery.

Eventually, the kings daughter was chosen... Saint George, then a knight errant, wounds the dragon with his lance... He then instructs the princess to remove her girdle and to use it around the dragon’s neck... The princess then leads the dragon back to the city, and Saint George tells the people he will kill the dragon if the entire town will become Christians... The dragon is killed and the townspeople are all baptised in the name of 'Jesus-Christ'.

The legend of Saint George is not a Christian story at all, but is a Christian adaptation of the typical dual of the Middle Eastern 'dying-god' against the 'Sea-Dragon'.

The Dragon is 'Baal', and the reference to 'child-sacrifices' in the legend is an allusion to the practice that was typical of his cult in ancient times... Historians note that the origin of the saint is 'Cappadocia', and is similar to the ancient god named 'Sabazios'.

The rites of 'Dionysus' were the same as those performed in honour of 'Cybele' in 'Asia-Minor'... Known as the 'Magna-Mater', the 'Great-Mother', 'Cybele', was identified with 'Venus' and worshipped as the 'goddess-of-fertility'.

Her consort was 'Attis', known as 'Adonis'... Attis, named after the 'Phrygian' name for goat,[15], became one with 'Dionysus-Sabazius', or assumed some of his characteristics.[16]

The cult of St. George first reached England when the Templars, who came were introduced to the cult presumably through their contact with the 'Rupenids-of-Armenian-Cilicia', returned from the Holy Land in 1228.

The battle flag of the Templars, known as the 'Beauseant', in some versions had four quarters, black and white, with a red cross 'patee' in the centre... Others, however, say that the red cross had straight arms, like the St. George cross of England.[17]

An account known as the 'Golden-Legend', recounts that St. George appeared during the First Crusade, with such a cross, emblazoned on his white armour, as he led the liberation of Jerusalem from the Muslims.[18]

Edward III’s sister, 'Joanna', married 'David-II-King-of-Scotland', the son of 'Robert-the-Bruce'.

While, in exile in the French court, it was David who created the 'The-Guarde-De-Ecosse', derived from the Templar faction known as 'Scots-Guard' who came to the aid of 'Robert-the-Bruce'... As the Scots Guard continued through the years, two of the prominent families involved in its history were the 'Sinclairs' and the 'Stuarts'... In France, they become the Personal Bodyguard to the French Kings, in perpetuity.[19]

                                             THE WAR OF THE ROSES:

The second chapter of the 'Song-of-Solomon', the most important of ancient 'Kabbalistic' texts, begins with... "I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys".

Originally, the 'fleur-de-lis' was a common Jewish symbol... Not only are lilies frequently mentioned in the 'Songs-of-David', but early Jewish coinage also featured similar lilies.[20]

The great Kabbalistic book, the 'Zohar', begins with
an exposition of the mystical significance of the lily,
which it describes as being the symbol of the

The 'fleur-de-lis', a highly stylized depiction of the real flower, which began to be adopted as the heraldic symbol of the 'House-of-Capet' and the kings of France with 'King-Philip-I'.

According to the Zohar, so too is the 'rose', a symbol of the 'Jewish-Congregation, who are in 'continuing-exile, 'longing-for-redemption', like a bride longing to return to her beloved.

The 'Song-of-Songs' is an allegory of the love between the 'dying-god' and the 'goddess'... Often called the 'Mystical-Rose-of-Heaven', it represents the 'Virgin-Mary', who esoterically is understood to represent the 'goddess', or 'Venus'... The rose was composed of 'five-petals', to recall the 'five-pointed-star', or 'pentagram-of-Lucifer'.

The rose then became a symbol of the 'House-of-Plantagenet'... The Plantagenets ruled England from 1154 and Ireland from 1185.

The primary line of the dynasty is considered to have ended with the deposition of 'Richard-II-of-England' in 1399.

Two secondary lines ruled from 1399 to 1485 as the 'House-of-Lancaster' and the 'House-of-York'.

The House of York was a dynasty of English Kings descended from 'Richard-Duke-of-York'.

The symbol of the 'House-of-York' was the 'White-Rose' of York.

The 'House-of-Lancaster', whose symbol was the 'Red-Rose' were opponents of the 'House-of-York' in the 'Wars-of-the-Roses', an 'intermittent-Civil-war' which affected England and Wales during the fifteenth century.

The antagonism between the two houses started with the overthrow of 'King-Richard-II' by his cousin, 'Henry-Bolingbroke-Duke-of-Lancaster', in 1399, who was crowned as 'Henry-IV'.

Henry V’s short reign was challenged by 'Richard-Earl-of-Cambridge', a grandson of 'Edward-III', but he was executed in 1415 for treason.

'Henry-V' died in 1422, and Cambridge’s son, 'Richard-Duke-of-York', grew up to challenge his successor, 'King-Henry-VI'.

Richard’s mother was 'Anne-Mortimer', the daughter of 'Roger-4th-Earl-of-Mortimer', and 'Eleanor-de-Holland', who, according to genealogist David Hughes, could claim 'Davidic-descent' through the 'Exilarchs'.

Eleanor’s 'great-great-grandmother', a descendant of 'Pagano-the-Hebrew-of-Pisa', married 'Richard-Fitzalan-7th-Earl-of-Arundel'.

Richard Duke of York was the great-grandson of 'Edward-III'... He was also a member of the Order of the Garter.

He was created 'Earl-of-March' by 'Henry-VI-King-of-England' in 1425... The 'Earls-of-March' derived their titles from the French 'la-Marche', and represented the combined heritage of the 'House-of-Brittany' and of 'Lusignan'.

The sister of 'Henry-VIII-of-Lusignan', 'Aimée', married 'vicomte-Guillaume-de-Thoüars', whose mother was 'Agnes-of-Poitiers', the daughter of 'William-IX-the-Troubadour'... Their son was 'Guy-de-Thouars', who married 'Constance-Duchess-of-Brittany', daughter of 'Conan-IV-of-Britanny', great-grandson of 'Alain-IV-of-Britanny', thus incorporating the line of 'Fisher-Kings'.

'Alain-IV' himself married 'Ermisende-of-Anjou', the daughter of 'Fulk-IV-of-Anjou', after she had been married to 'William-IX-of-Aquitaine'.

Alain IV’s son, 'Conan-III', married 'Matilda', illegitimate daughter of 'King-Henry-I-of-England'... 'Conan-IV' was his grandson... Conan-IV’s wife, 'Margaret-of-Huntington', was the granddaughter of 'David-I-of-Scotland.

Guy and Aimee’s daughter, 'Alix-de-Thoüars', was the mother of 'Yolande-de-Penthièvre', who married 'Hugues-XI(le Brun)sire-de-Lusignan', 'Comte-de-la-Marche' and 'Angouleme', also a Templar... Their son, 'Hughes-XII-le-Brun', was the father of 'Jeanne-de-Lusignan', who was the mother of 'Joan-of-Geneville.[22]

Joan of Geneville married 'Roger-Mortimer-first-Earl-of-March', regent of England during minority of 'Edward-III', and usurper who had supplanted 'Edward-II'.[23]

Mortimer was also a founding member of the Order of the Garter... Their great-grandson, 'Edmund-de-Mortimer-Third-Earl-of-March', married 'Philippa-Plantagenet', whose father was the second son of 'Edward-III-king-of-England'... Their grandchild, 'Anne-de-Mortimer', married 'Richard-Earl-of-Cambridge'.

Their son was 'Richard-Duke-of-York'.[24]

Richard was the first to use the surname Plantagenet since 'Geoffrey-of-Anjou', and did so to emphasize that his claim to the throne was stronger than that of 'Henry-VI'.

With King Henry VI’s 'insanity-in-1452', Richard was made 'Lord-Protector', but had to give up this position with the King’s recovery and the birth of his heir, 'Edward-of-Westminster'.

Richard gradually gathered together his forces, however, and the civil wars known as the 'Wars-of-the-Roses' eventually broke out in 1455.

The House of York was victorious over the Lancastrians, and though Richard had been unable to seize the throne for himself, Parliament did agree to the compromise of making him heir to the throne, in effect recognising the Yorkist claim to the throne as superior to the Lancastrian one.

Meanwhile, the Lancastrians, led by Henry’s wife, 'Margaret-of-Anjou', continued the war, during which Richard was finally killed in 1460, along with his second son, 'Edmund-Earl-of-Rutland'... Nevertheless, Richard’s eldest son finally succeeded in putting the Yorkist dynasty on the throne in 1461 as 'Edward-IV-of-England'.

'Edward-IV', however, disappointed his allies when he married 'Elizabeth-of-Woodville'... Elizabeth had insisted on marriage, which took place secretly on May 1, 1464, at her family home, with only the bride’s mother and two ladies in attendance... Thus, Elizabeth managed to reintroduce the lost lines of the 'Lusignans' and of 'Britanny' into the 'Rose-lineage'.

These surviving lines of 'Lusignan', stemming from Alix of Thouars’ two children, and the descendants of 'Almaric-of-Lusignan', culminated in the person of 'Pierre-I-Count-of-St-Pol-Jean-I', 'seigneur-de-Beaurevoir-and-de-Richebourg', a descendant of Alix’s son, 'John-of-Brittany', married 'Marguerite-d’Enghien-comtesse-de-Brienne', who was descended from 'Almaric-of-Lusignan'.

Almaric of Lusignan had a son by another woman, before marrying 'Isabeau-Queen-of-Jerusalem', the daughter of 'Almaric-King-of-Jerusalem', grandson of 'Baldwin-II' and 'Morphia-of-Armenia'.

That son was 'Hughes-I-King-of-Cyprus', who married 'Alix-of-Jerusalem', the daughter of 'Isabeau-Queen-of-Jerusalem' by another man, 'Henri-II(le Jeune)comte-Palatin-de-Champagne'... The son of 'Jean-I-Seigneur-de-Beaurevoir-and-Richebourg', and 'Margerite-countess-of-Brienne' was 'Pierre-Count-of-St-Pol', the grandfather of 'Elizabeth-Woodville'.

With Edward’s sudden death in 1483, Elizabeth briefly became 'Queen-Mother', but on June 25, 1483, her marriage was declared null and void by Parliament, and all her children were declared illegitimate.

Edward’s brother, 'Richard-III', accepted the crown.

'Elizabeth-Woodville' was widely believed to have been a witch, and 'Richard-III' tried to show there had never been any valid marriage between 'Edward' and 'Elizabeth', that it was a result of love magic perpetrated by Elizabeth and her mother.


Elizabeth then conspired with 'Lancastrians', promising to marry her eldest daughter, 'Elizabeth-of-York', to the 'Lancastrian' claimant to the throne, Henry Tudor, if he could supplant Richard.

'Henry-Tudor', whose father, 'Edmund-Tudor-1st-Earl-of-Richmond', had been an 'illegitimate-half-brother' of 'Henry-VI'... However, Henry’s claim to the throne was through his mother, 'Margaret-Beaufort', a descendant of 'Edward-III', derived from 'John-Beaufort, a grandson of Edward III’s who was also the 'illegitimate-son-of-John-of-Gaunt'.

Henry Tudor’s forces defeated Richard’s in 1485 and Henry Tudor became 'King-Henry-VII-of-England'.

Elizabeth Woodville’s marriage to 'Edward-IV' was declared to have been valid, and thus their children were once again legitimised.

Henry then strengthened his position by marrying 'Elizabeth-of-York', daughter of 'Edward-IV', the best surviving Yorkist claimant...

Thus, both the 'Red-Rose-of-Lancaster' and the 'White-Rose-of-York' were merged to a single 'ten-petaled' flower, to form 'The-Tudor-Rose', that symbolised the union of the two houses.


Lineage of Stuarts and Sinclairs: From King David, Joeeph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, Odin and Guillame de Gellone, also featuring the House of Lusignan.


[1] Gary Beaver, “The Legend Of The Skull Of Sidon: A Knights Templar Myth”.

[2] Robert Brian Stewart, “Baudouin I, roi de Jérusalem”. Encyclopædia Britannica 2004 Deluxe Edition CD-ROM (U.S.A.: Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 1994-2004)
[3]The Legend of the Skull of Sidon, crystalinks.com.
[4] Childress, David Hatcher. Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet: The Secret Naval War Between the Knights Templar & the Vatican. p. 60.
[5] “History of Armenia”, Wikipedia.
[6] James Allen Dow. “Irene of the Khazars”.
[7] “Melisende”, Wikipedia.
[8] Robert Brian Stewart, “Hugues VI "le Diable", sire de Lusignan”; Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., IV:191.
[9] Robert Brian Stewart, “Malfia the Armenian”.
[10] “Conrad of Monferrt”, Wikipedia.
[11] Robert Brian Stewart, “Isabel, Queen of Cilicia”. Anne Elizabeth Redgate, The Armenians, The Peoples of Europe (Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1998), pg. 257.
[12] “James I of Aragon”, Wikipedia.

[13] “Templars in England”, Wikipedia.

[14] Murray, Margaret. The God of the Witches. The Priesthood: Chapter III.

[15] Arnobius, The Case Against the Pagans, Book 5.6

[16] Cumont, Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, p. 48

[17] John Sinclair Quarterman, “Knights Templar”.
[18] “Saint George”, Internet Shakespeare Edictions.
[19] John Ritchie. Templar History in Scotland.
[20]Holy Blood Holy Grail, plate 33.
[21] 2: 1-2
[22] Robert Brian Stewart, “Hugues XI "le Brun", sire de Lusignan, comte de la March et d'Angoulême”; Généalogie des rois de France.
[23] “Roger Mortimer”, Wikipedia.
[24] Robert Brian Stewart. “Richard, Duke of York”.


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