OCTOBER 22, 2015.
The "Real" Cause of the Sudden Syrian 'Migrant-Refugee-Crisis' into Europe. The Role of Turkey.
Since this migration crisis began a few weeks ago, one question has been nagging me as to why all of a sudden many Syrians, and others, are headed to Europe. Why now? Did they all just get a mass email telling them to leave? It just seemed so strange. Well, we do have an answer now and it’s something you haven’t heard anywhere in the media.
Walid Shoebat interviewed a prominent Syrian analyst named Taleb Ibrahim. He’s a Shiite Muslim and an Arab nationalist who loves his Syrian country, it’s diverse people and his president, Bashar Al-Assad. He does not share the global Islamist aspirations of the 'Muslim-Brotherhood-Jihadis' who are fighting in his country against Assad.
During the interview, Taleb Ibrahim explained how Erdogan is displacing the people in Syria. Erdogan is bringing thousands of Islamist Turks from other Turkish lands into Turkey, training them and then sending them into Syria to help fight Assad. He gives an example of a couple of Chinese villages that have recently cropped up inside Syria that he said both Erdogan and ISIS brought in to help fight Assad.
So basically he’s saying that Erdogan is pushing these people out of Syria and into Europe as he changes the demographics of Syria from Arabs to Islamist Turks, all for the sake of reviving the Ottoman empire!
I’ve transcribed the part of the interview that pertains to this as Taleb is sometimes hard to understand. The top portion is important background so you understand Turkey’s relationship to the other Turkish lands. He gives some very interesting information about it. The bottom part is the red meat:
Walid: What is the difference between Jaysh al-Islam and Jaysh al-Fatah? Is this the same thing?
Taleb: Jaysh al-Fatah is a military group that consists of Al-Nusra Front; Ahrar ash-Sham, and other extremists, the army of Turkestan, which is a province in the west of China, and the army of Turkmenistan. All of those military groups are correlated to Al Qaeda.
Walid: Wait a minute here. Brother Taleb, are you telling me there are Turkmen, Turks fighting?
Taleb: Yes, yes, Turks fighting. You know the Uyghurs, which is a Muslim minority in the west of China, from Turkish origin? They are talking in the Turkish language. They are very close to Turkmen people in Turkmenistan and middle of Asia. The government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan brought thousands of those and they trained them inside Turkey, and they sent them as one of the groups that is fighting under the flag of Jaysh al-Fatah, the army of conquest . The army of conquest, Jaysh al-Fatah includes Al-Nusra Front, the Khorasan Group, it includes the Turkestan groups, Turkmenistan groups, Ahrar ash-Sham, and other small fundamentalist and extremist groups, that are fighting in Idlib. Jaysh al-Fatah is fighting in Idlib to the north of Syria, by the Turkish border. And it is very much correlated to Turkish intelligence. Jaysh al-Islam is linked and very much correlated to Saudi intelligence. It is a Wahhabi army, very extremist army, fighting to the edge of Damascus. And sometimes Erdogan is sending some brigades to help Al-Nusra front and to help other Al-Qaeda aligned groups in some places in Syria and in some situations they are quarrelling, fighting each other for rebels.
Walid: Let’s go a little bit to history here. Jaysh al-Fatah, does this correlate to Muhammad al-Fatah or things of the Ottomans and their desire to occupy Syria? And the second question is, if it is an issue of a revolution to oust Bashar al-Assad…why is it we have foreign fighters from Turkmenistan, as you so eloquently explained, and from the Xinjiang region in China, Islamists from there, why are these groups coming together and they are not even Syrians and are trying to occupy Syria? What is the Ottoman connection with all of this, historically speaking?
Taleb: Of course Jaysh al-Fatah is coded, the name is coded from the early stages of Islam. When Muslim armies came to Syria, to Turkey – now it wasn’t Turkey at that time. Turkey is a very young country in history. And it’s a false country. It was the Eastern Christian Empire and the capital of the Eastern Christian Empire was at Antakya. Hatay province in Turkey, which we call in Syria the Iskenderun region. So Turkish people, especially Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he has colonialist ambitions. He is trying to put his hands on some places in Syria. If you read their newspapers, if you listen to their TV channels, they consider Aleppo as a part of Turkey and they say that Syrian Arabs has stolen this area and so and so and so. So yes, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which is a fascist and indeed a racist who wants only Turkish people to be in his border. He is bringing Turkish people from every place to fight President Assad to CHANGE the demographic structure of Syria. And we have reliable information…that there was a kind of demographic replacement inside Syria nearby the city of Ar-Raqqa. There are two Chinese villages. The people, the Arab citizens from those villages were killed or displaced and Erdogan and ISIS brought Chinese Uyghurs to settle in those two villages. The Syrian people told me this story and they said we call it now the two Chinese villages. Another issue. The Syrian migrators, you know what happened in Europe in the last few weeks? Those people were displaced by some people in the North of Syria. Erdogan brought hundreds, thousands of Turkmen minorities to settle in those villages to the North of Aleppo on the border strip.
Walid: Brother Taleb, are you telling me this wave of immigration coming from Turkey, Syria, all these, is all manufactured by Erdogan, that he’s bringing those other foreign nationalities to Europe?
Taleb: Exactly! Exactly! This is the truth behind this wave of migration. It’s a great demographic change.
So now you know why so many Syrians fled the region to head for Europe. It’s a manufactured crisis by Erdogan as he attempts to control Syria and bring back the Ottoman Empire.
You should really watch the full interview as Taleb Ibrahim discusses much more about this in detail. He and Walid even discuss how the dragon from Revelation 12 issues a flood (of immigrants) against the church (Christendom)!
He also explains what Russia is really doing in Syria, bombing both ISIS and islamist groups fighting against Assad. Taleb points out that the Syrian people, like himself, love the fact that Russia is there and support it completely.
And there’s much more in this very insightful interview. You won’t hear any of this in the media.
WATCH: video@therightscoop.com/
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(Global Research)
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